An Issue

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Before you continue, I would like you to cooperate with me for a while.

I don't know if it's just me or other people are also struggling with this, but the comments section has been going wonky lately.

You see, whenever I type something in the comments, it doesn't register some of the letters that I type, so it comes out something like this:

'Of ghts tha'

Even the autocorrect feature is broken. I had to press it multiple times before the word gets inserted.

When I type in the other apps (like Youtube, Facebook, Webtoons, etc.) it's fine, so my keyboard is definitely working properly, and the comments section is the only thing malfunctioning in this app.

Please tell me if someone else is struggling with this bug, or it's just me alone and I'm just really unlucky to experience it :(

Anyways see ya'll and maybe support me a lil bit~

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