Ch.12 : Wolf overpowered, one is dead!

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And they ran like crazy seeing them run the angry wolf also chased them. The wolf was so fast that it blocked their front path. So, they took the side path to run. They literally ran like.

Meanwhile at Fiza's side.

Everything was going fine they were resting for a while and then suddenly they heard muffled screams.

Yoon - Fiza did you heard that.

Fiza - What?

Yoon - I am not sure but I heard screams.

Again they heard those muffled scream but a little clear.

Fiza - Yeah I heard it too.

And with a bang they heard a scream and it was crystal clear
??? - AVNNIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!

??? - MA'AMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!

They looked at the direction to see Mina and Alina running towards them

Fiza - Why are you both running!!


The moment they heard the word wolf all started to scream. And run here and there and started jumping like a crazy. While Fiza was standing there trying to process everything and the moment it hit her. She also started to scream and jump. Then both came towards and started to find a place to hide while the wolf started chasing everyone. And suddenly Pari took a thick wooden bark and hit the wolf's head and it was thrown in the corner. Due to fear she dropped the bark and trembled in fear.

Fiza - What the hell you did!!

Pari - I am sorry I also don't know how I did this [In a trembling voice while fake crying]

The wolf growled and due to fear Pari jumped on Fiza and she made a whispering yell

Pari - What am I going to do now!!!

Fiza - I don't know girl. You created this mess now clean it yourself

Again the wolf growled and attacked them but before she could attack them Mina hit the wolf with her arrow. She was shocked but before the wolf looked at their direction. She pushed Mina and stood at her place and the moment the wolf saw it. It came running towards Alina and scratched her leg hard. She gasped and yelped

Alina - Ah! God

Fiza whispered in shock by seeing her and Akriti Aunty tightly held Ashi in her embrace.

Fiza - Alina!

And then Ashi yelped to her mother

Ashi - Mum let me go

Akriti Aunty{ Ashi's Mother} - No you won't. Can you see a wolf there!

And she tightened her grip preventing Ashi to go anywhere yet Yoon came in front of the wolf

Fiza - What the hell are you doing Yoon!

Yoon - Fiza these animals are just like us if we show some love and friendliness then would also become friendly with us. Believe me please!

Fiza - Gosh! Yoon he is not in the mood of being friendly!

Yoon - He is

The wolf growled which didn't not scared Yoon and she said to the wolf

Yoon - Hey buddy we are not dangerous..... Please don't be angry

Fiza - Yoon stop it

Again the wolf growled and tried to jump on Yoon before he could harm her Fiza came in her way and got badly injured. The wolf has scratched her arm very badly. She yelped in pain

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