Ch.14 : Missing friends reunited

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She hugged her tight and asked.

Fiza - Rishita I missed you... how are you alive!

Rishita - It was only possible because of Ashy ma'am.

Fiza - What do you mean by Ashy ma'am?

Rishita - She sacrificed herself for us... she saved us Fiza.

Fiza - I... how?

Rishita - That time I was being dragged by the zombies and just then Ashy ma'am came and I don't know how but she help she escape their hold on my leg and sacrificed herself for me. And then I hid at the male staff office. After few hours I decided to escape and was about to go out through the gate but stopped when I found Tanish he was just wounded luckily and here we are.

Fiza - Now let's go.

Rishita - Where?

Fiza - You will see.

And then she held their hand and went out. After few minutes or something they reach a place and just then Avni with teachers and Ashi with their friends came there all of them were reunited again.

Manjula Ma'am - Children are you all fine!?

Rishita - Yeah we are.

Sofiya - Rishita! You... you are alive!?

Rishita - Yeah I am.

Aisha - But how... did you?

Rishita - Ashy ma'am saved me...I

Pari - You don't need to explain now... you can do it later.

Just then Akriti Aunty went towards Ashi and tightly hugged her and kissed her forehead multiple times which made everyone frustrated and shocked.

Then she held Fiza's hand and said to her mother.

Ashi - Mum can you come with us [While showing puppy eyes]

Akriti Aunty- Yes but where.

Ashi - Just come mum.

Then she took her mother at the ground floor hall and they stopped there.

Akriti Aunty- What is it Ashi... What do you want?

Then Ashi slowly went a little forward and took a chain and immediately grabbed her mother's leg. She tried to tie her leg up with the chain.

Ashi - Fiza grab her hand!

Fiza was shocked; she couldn't process anything and just then it hit her. She ran up to Akriti aunty grabbed her hand while Ashi successfully tied her leg to the drain rode and it was horribly tight.

Akriti Aunty - What are you doing Ashi!! With your own mother.

Ashi - Own mother! [Scoffs] my mother died the day when my father was killed.

Akriti Aunty - You!! Your father's death was a suicide! He... he killed himself it was not my fault.

Ashi - Of course it was your fault! You damn killed him... for your own greed!

Akriti Aunty - No I didn't I loved your father.

Ashi - Yes you did! The maid told me everything and even she has the footage of you killing my dad... just for some shitty wealth you killed my dad and also you dared to cheat on him! So little of you... dad loved you so much he never even thought to betray you and you back stabber betrayed him so much didn't you!

A/N - Ok guys I know you would be shock with this twist but yeah it's the truth actually the story is that

Akriti Aunty and Ashi's dad met each other somewhere and they both got to know they fell for each other. So, they decided to tell their parents about them and asked them to fix their marriage and guess what they said yes. Ashi's dad was from a wealthy family that's why they gave Akriti aunty princess treatment and few years later Ashi was born everything was going well but suddenly Akriti aunty started to fell out of love. She didn't loved her husband anymore. And with that she started to have greed for his wealth and also she fell for someone else. So, one day she mixed poison in his drink and he was poisoned after that she hung Ashi's father from the ceiling with the help of a rope. When it came to police investigation the cops got to know that he was poisoned and they were going to investigate more but Akriti aunty gave them heavy cash and told them to remove the poisoned part and to tell their family that it was fake and yeah in the greed of money the cops said yes. And the cops immediately closed the file by just saying it's a suicide. After that Akriti aunty started to live with her new lover and unexpectedly they had a child as Ashi was just 9 year old so her mother didn't told her anything and just said it's your brother. And about her mother- in-law and her family; she had left them after the case was closed and had started living in a house which she bought from Ashi's dad's money. And everything was going fine for her but little did she know that her daughter knew everything thanks to the maid. So, Ashi planned her revenge and firstly she successfully killed her mother's lover and sneakily his brother I mean step- brother.

Akriti Aunty- Have you become old enough to do this to your own mother... Just let me free once then see I will break your and your friend's bones!!

Ashi - I am so going to kill her! [Made her palm a fist]

Fiza - She is going to die anyway.

Points something behind her and it was a zombie and Ashi smiled after seeing that.

Ashi - Bye- bye mother [Waves her hand]

Her mother make a confused face and Ashi points back but before she could see what's behind; the zombie came and bit her mother's shoulder. And her mother screams and yells at her.

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