Ch.16 : New beginning

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Yoon's Father- What the hell are you doing!?

Fiza - You know it Mr. Arief ... you know what I am doing and what you have done.

Yoon's Father- I don't know what you are talking about!?

Fiza - Accept that you are the one who invented this destructive thing didn't you and speak the truth... I hate lies.

Yoon's Father - Yes it was me and I did this only for my daughter.

All of them looked at Yoon.

Yoon - How did it helped me...

Suddenly it clicked in her mind.

Yoon - Dad I was little that time... I didn't really mean it.

Yoon's Father - But I meant it... I really wanted to rule this world. I wanted to be a god.

Fiza approached him in anger and grabbed his collar and yelled.

Fiza - Just because of you I lost my best friend!

Yoon - Ashi...

Fiza - She sacrificed herself for me Yoon.

She looked miserably sad.

Fiza - I am going to kill you!

Yoon's Father - Stop!

Fiza : Why should I!?

Yoon's Father : I am sorry..

Fiza : Can your sorry bring back those who died! Can it bring my bestfriend back, can it bring our teacher back! Can it bring our parents back! HUH! TELL ME! What was their fault..they weren't even responsible for this cause but still! They died! They had their own aspirations and dream which will forever be a dream! Ashi! All she wanted was a proper family! Not blood related but still a family! Who could take care of her and love her! She needed that!

She stopped and asked.

Yoon's Father - Yes I have made it with the virus... I want to use it against the people.

Fiza - Stupid man!

Fiza - Now I am going to find Ashi.

Sofiya - She might have become a zombie by now.

Fiza - I don't care... I will use the antidote for her. I am going alone if anyone want to come then they can.

Yoon - I am coming with you.

Fiza - Stay here, I wil take Pari with me.

Yoon - Okay.

Fiza - But before going we have to tie him up.

Yoon's Father - What no!

Just then Pari and Sofiya came front and grabbed his hand tightly preventing him to go anywhere.

Yoon's Father - No leave... I would beat you up if you both won't leave me.

They didn't got scared because now they have seen everything in life. Then Yoon took a rope lying at the corner of the lab and tied her father up and took his gun; she was about to give it to Mina but instead gave it to Avni. And then they went outside. After walking for a while they stopped at the place where the incident happened. Then she yelled Ashi's name but no response and movement in their environment so they went a little further. Then she heard a growl with an instance Fiza and Yoon looked back and there she was, in a very menacing state; she had turned into a perfect zombie but luckily her body was in a fine state. Just her eyes were black and blood was dripping from her mouth and was with a messy hair. Tears filled her eyes when she saw her state and also it made the infected Ashi confuse for a sec. Just then she attacked them but before she could bite any of them; Yoon tied her with a rope and stuffed a piece of cloth in her mouth and tapped her mouth shut. All could the zombie do was just wriggle and see her surrounding. After this they took the infected Ashi with them to the lab.

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