Ch.13 : Apartment of nightmare

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Alina - What the hell are saying!?

Mina - Why they always have to go first in everything like they also have to show off to people about their bravery and always have do dangerous things. So, that people praise them.

Alina - Yes you are right [Turns her head towards the teachers]

Alina - Ma'am we are also going to inspect this place [In a stern voice]

Aartika Ma'am was about to deny their request but decided not to because they will thought that she is doing student favoritism. So, she decided allow them even if her heart was not to.

Aartika Ma'am - Ok you can go.

Alina - Yes! Come on guys we have to go somewhere.

Hema - Where are we going?

Alina - We are also going to inspect this place like them.

Hema - Ok..

And with that she took Hema, Monika, Mina, Vaishnavi, Molly with her.

Manwhile at Aisha's side

They all were roaming the apartment until they found a room which was looking like an ancient Japanese samurai room which fascinated all of them. With a lot curiosity they went inside the room and saw a large sword holder in front of them which held a katana and an odachi. The most curious was Pari and without even thinking one she took the but she held it wrong which made a big cut in her hand as the sword slids out of the protective cover. She yelped in pain.

Pari - Ouch!

Aisha - Pari!

She quickly held her hand and yelled at her.

Aisha - Girl who the hell told you to touch these things! Can... can someone give me bandage or something!?

Then quickly all of them started to search and quickly Fiza found one. And she quickly approached her to bandaged her wound as blood was dropping from her continuously. After bandaging her wound everyone took a breath of relief.

Fiza - Bro next time don't touch these things, okay!

Pari - I won't bro.

Then she took the katana and opened it in a right manner. The sharpness of the blade amazed her and she asked Aisha. To be honest she really looked like a warrior with all that dried blood and cuts on her body and face.

Fiza - Would you mind if I keep it?

Aisha - If you know how to use it and wouldn't get hurt then ok and if don't then just keep it where it was.

Fiza - I think I can manage.

And she put it in the cover and tied it around her waist and was about to step out but unfortunately they saw a zombie and it was not looking ordinary. It had fungus all around it's body and some kind of disgusting reddish mushroom things was all around it's left side face and his right was only visible which had turned black but has white spots in it. They all saw it and gulped very hard and stepped back a little. With that the zombie attacked on Sara! It jumped on him and started biting her, Ashi was horrified and tried to stop it but all of them stopped her.

Pari - Don't touch it Ashi!

Fiza - Yes, don't touch it looks dangerous!

Ashi - But Sara!

And just then the zombie looked at them and was about jump on them but luckily Aisha came with the odachi and slit opened its throat.

Aisha - Come on let's go.

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