Chapter 15 (Night Patrol and Nostalgia)

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They went to Greys room, and they looked around.

The black and white tom gave Alice her clothes back.

Alice took the clothes and Grey walked away.

They turned away from each other and shifted back.

Alice put her outfit on and waited for Grey to be finished.

Grey: Are you done?

Alice: Yeah! Let us turn back!

The two young nekos turned around and smiled.

Grey: You look beautiful

Alice: Thank you, Grey! You look great as well!

Grey blushed and looked at his outfit. He looked back at Alice and Blushed harder.

For a while they stood there blushing.

Then a nice smell came into the bedroom.

Grey: That must be Tiramisu cooking! He is a great chef!

He led Alice black into the kitchen.

Tiramisu had a pressure cooker, and he was adding the rabbit pieces to the cooker to brown on both sides.

As he put the rabbit in the pot, he saw the two young nekos watching him.

Tiramisu: I can see you two are ready! It might take a while so why don't you two talk to Bone?

It seemed like Grey was more excited about this than Alice.

She was nervous around Bone.

His imposing size threatened her even though he has not been anything but nice.

Bone was getting the table ready when he noticed the two young nekos.

Bone: Hey, you two are you alright?

Grey: Yeah! Would you like some help?

Grey: That would be nice!

Grey got the placemats on the table and Alice put the silverware on the table and got drinks for everyone.

They both got the salt and pepper and put it in the middle of the table.

Bone: Thank you two! You two make quite the team!

Bone messed up Greys hair.

Bone: Alright you two! Stop being so awkward! I have known you for a while Grey and that is the worst thing I have ever seen!

Bone laughed.

Grey: What about that time when we met!? That was pretty awkward!

The two cat boys kept laughing but Alice was now confused.

Alice: How did you guys meet?

This calmed the mood down and the two cat boys looked at each other.

Bone: Do you want her to know?

Grey: It is fine! I can get past it!

Grey ran next to Alice and the pair looked at Bone.

Bone: Well, I was outside near the barn when someone ran into.

Bone: It was Grey! He seemed upset so I tried to talk to him!

Bone: He seemed nervous at first but then he told me that he was alone and wanted to stay!

What a sad story!

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