Chapter 14

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The soft rays of the morning sun gently kissed the room as Emma and Regina stirred from their peaceful dreams. Emma's eyes fluttered open to find Regina's peaceful face, the lines of worry that often adorned it during the day now softened in the morning light. They were still cuddling in the warmth of each other's arms, the blankets embracing their forms.

Regina stirred, her eyes meeting Emma's in a languid gaze. A tender smile played on Regina's lips, and Emma couldn't help but reciprocate. 

"Good morning, Princess," Regina murmured.

"Morning," Emma replied, her fingers tracing gentle circles on Regina's back. 

Regina shifted to prop herself up on an elbow, her gaze fixed on Emma with a warmth that mirrored the sunlight streaming through the curtains. "Did you sleep well?"

Emma nodded, a contented smile gracing her lips. "Better than I have in a long time."

Regina's fingers trailed down Emma's cheek, a soft caress that spoke volumes. "I'm glad. You deserve peaceful nights."

As the morning sunlight continued to grace the room, Emma couldn't help but revel in the comfort of the bed. The soft sheets cradled her and the warmth of Regina beside her was a tempting anchor that pulled her back into the realm of dreams.

Regina looked at the girl with a smile lingering on her face, as she seemed to fall back asleep "Come on, Emma. It's a beautiful morning, and we have only one day left. Let's enjoy it."

Emma groaned playfully, burying her face into the pillow. "I've decided. I'm never leaving this bed. Better yet this house."

Regina chuckled, a melodic sound that filled the room. "As tempting as that sounds, we do have responsibilities, my dear."

"Or we can run away from them." Emma peeked out from beneath the covers, her eyes reflecting a mischievous sparkle.

Regina sat on the edge of the bed, her fingers tracing patterns on the comforter. "I know this is... hard to bring up, but you do know we can't stay like this forever, right?"

Emma's eyes dropped to the bed as she wasn't entirely sure how to response. She knew what the brunette meant. This whole vacation was just a fairytale that could never last back her the real world. Her world...

"I don't know about forever, but maybe just a little longer?" Emma suggested, her eyes sad, locking with Regina's.

Regina's gaze softened, and she chuckled. "You are incorrigible, Princess."

Emma's heart skipped a beat at the endearment. "Is that a bad thing?"

Regina's smile held a touch of admiration. "Not at all. In fact, it's one of the things I love about you."

The admission hung in the air, creating a moment of quiet vulnerability. Emma felt her cheeks flush, the sincerity of Regina's words stirring something deep within her.

Regina stood up, crossing her arms with a playful glint in her eyes. "As much as I'd love to entertain your desire for an eternal morning, we should get up. The day awaits."

Emma sighed dramatically, but a playful glimmer remained in her eyes. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely."

Regina laughed, and as they moved to start their day, Emma couldn't shake the feeling that Regina, in these unguarded moments, was more herself than she had ever seen. The walls seemed to fade away, revealing a side of the brunette that resonated with authenticity and warmth.

They soon decided to visit the Mills family's castle's ruins that somehow peaked Emma's interests highly. The ruins of the castle stood in stoic silence, whispering tales of a bygone era. Emma wandered between the ruined walls, her fingers grazing the charred stones as if trying to decode the secrets they held. Regina's father, Henry, walked beside her, a somber expression on his face, while Regina stood back a bit, walking slightly behind them. 

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