Revamping some stuff?

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I've decided to stop being lazy and just revamping my first 2 chapters double(not) date and kiyopon said what?!? Why?

Well it's because I thought of a lot more stuff to say when I was writing those chapters and just ignored them for the sake of just posting fast but now since I'm am still lazy but not as much I'll be just revamping them to be better versions.

hope you understand if you reread them again and if it has some changes to the chapters! Ok ( this will be happening I'm just not sure when since I have to do 2 arc 1 now since the prologues are over you know )

anyway hope you understand and have a nice day and hey drop some ideas in here too I'm willing to hear all of them! ( I also wanna see how messed up in the head we are 😭😭)

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