A simple toy.

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Times in the white room were interesting to me. Since on one hand It was inhumane in every single way it possibly could but for the reason to push far beyond our limit. Objectively it was a good thing but subjectively it wasn't, due to this many minds collapsed, many almost died due to the harsh treatment and some just couldn't keep up.

But they all had one thing in common, they were expelled to never be seen again. But why do a remember this now? Well it's cause of a toy. Well to be more specific a plushie, or whatever it's called. Like how they are manufactured to be sold to people once ready. Although it seems different at first if you open your mind a little it's kind off like when I started. Since I was a born I was nurtured and care for to be ready go out (clearly a lie) and find the unknown (also a lie). Just like a toy. They were manufactured than they were shipped to the unknown.

The grown ups in the white room were merciless and cruel and gave no shits about us at all. Which the same can be said about humans when using toys. Some can be careful with it and most will just tear that poor thing apart and just destroying the poor thing until it doesn't work no more. 

The more you think about it, the most I realized, wait toys are just like me. Both of us came from some facility
(AN: uhhhh)

And was made until we were ready for the next phase which is the unknown for both me and the toy, once shipped to the place... well the toy, not me of course.
We see humans, in my case adults and in there case either young adults or kids. And one way or another both of us get mistreated and eventually we'll become broken.  Huh how pitiful, to think I had such connection to a simple toy.

(AN: did I cook or not? 🗣️🔥💯)

Well I guess since the toy, well plushie to be more specific made me think of this I guess I'll buy it cause of it I guess. Then I get a small tap on my shoulder.

"How long are you going to stand there and keep me waiting?" Said one angry Haruka
"Oh sorry about that I was just thinking of something-

"Yeah, yeah you and you're monologues, geez sometimes I  think you're better off being emo than what you are now."

Ouch, that one hurt....

"I guess I'll report this to Kamuro."

.... Oh no you don't.
"Please don't do that, I beg."

She looks at me directly making eye contact with each other.



"Sigh. Let's just go too the cashier."
"Yay! Oh yeah by the way, you're paying for the WHOLE thing."
Didn't I tell her I was broke, and didn't have enough points for anything.

"But I have 16 points left-
"I don't care, you're still going to pay it."
"But you're richer than me-
"Like I said I don't care at all, I'm saving my points for another thing, plus I think 16 points is enough for what ever stupid thing you're buying and my stuff."
"Uh, I can't afford over 22 bags worth of stuff."

Mannn, I guess that's why my group calls her the mother, cause she really is starting to act like one more and more.

I grabbed the toy and followed her to the cashier.
20 minutes later

Well this is taking a long long time. But at least our turn is next, I looked at my left to see a half asleep Haruka which I mean I don't blame her, just waiting here is quite boring even for me.

I looked back to my direction to see that we were next, I poked   her to wake her up in which she did as a response, and went to the available cashier,  and placed all the stuff we have to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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