Results And Effect

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"It's been Month 1, Week 4, day 2, of the girls of, 'TEAM RWBY', have been successfully impregnated, and so far, we have gathered, 'Interesting', results."

Dr Merlot walked into some underground glass cage prison.

"Test Subject: Ruby Rose, she is One Month pregnant with Silvers Eyes, and even managed to conceive triplets."

He walked up to the cage, Labeled 'Silver Eyes/Ruby Rose, and looked into the cage threw the see clear glass.

"If I were to give any praise for this guinea pig of mine, is that she is very simple to care for, compare to others."

In the cage, we see Ruby, wearing a hospital gown, lying down on a mattress hugging a pillow closely, burying her face in it.

"She experiences normal human pregnancy symptoms, able to eat normal foods given to her, and does not need to be given any special treatment to suit her needs."

He begins to take notes on her.

"But that doesn't mean she's easy since she's 15 and very new to pregnancy, she can be too sickly or over-emotional most of the time, but those are child play to deal with, the real trouble, is her eyes."

He looks back to the cage, and we see the Ex-Team leader lift her head and look around, which reveals her eyes to be covered in some type of metal headband.

"After being successfully impregnated, her eyes and been spilling a lot of white light and power, if it had not been for ACCME, I would've gotten seriously hurt, at best, so she is forced to wear eye cover until she can control her abilities."

He then finished his notes on Ruby and walked off.

'I would've personally removed her eyes, but eh, can't win them all...'

He then walks up to a metal cage, which looks very out of place in this Cage Room.

"Test Subject: Weiss Schnee, she is One Month pregnant with Dust, something I'm very proud of."

He opens a small door, which shows a frozen window covered in a thin fog of ice.

"Though, unlike Miss Rose, this Schnee is not so simple to take care of, in fact, out of everyone here, she is the most dangerous to watch over."

He placed his hands on the glass and rubbed the fog away, to reveal Weiss Schnee, also in a hospital gown, huddled in the corner of the cage, which was covered and filled with snow.

"It appears that holding a child made entirely out of Dust has given Weiss a dangerously high Aura energy, so high that we gotta keep her in very cold temperatures for her to not melt my entire laboratory."

He gave a closer look at the white-haired girl and saw that some snowflakes landed on her Aura shield and instantly evaporated.

"But other than that, and her very strange diet of consuming Dusts crystals, nothing too noteworthy has happened... Which is a good thing."

He closed the small door and walked off to the next cage.

"Test Subject: Blake Belladonna, she is One Month pregnant with a Dragon Faunus, something I only heard in legends."

He looked in the cage, which was filled with all sorts of stuff, a few empty boxes, a TV that shows lava and fire, a heater, a small garden of 'Cat Nip', a tank filled with live salmon, and another one filled with mouses*

"This kitty is very demanding, requesting many things as if her life depended on it, screaming and yelling until I was forced to give in... She even asked for a pile of gold to make a nest out of!"

He gripped his head in frustration, in the center of the glass cage, was Blake curled up and sleeping calmly in a nest made entirely of fake gold coins and gems.

"ACCME explains that since she was still technically young and having her being pregnant with a dragon faunus, her motherly animal instincts for both her Cat and Dragon side are very messed up, which is annoying..."

he sighs leaves the cage and goes to the last cage.

"Test Subject: Yang Xiao Long, she is One Month pregnant with Twins Grimm, and if I had one thing to say about her."

In the cage where Yang is being held a bunch of scratches, cracks, and even holes in the glass walls, there was even blood in the cage*

"Is that she's a full-on monster."

We suddenly see a red eyes Yang come up and slam onto the glass, making it crack, she was wearing a mask that covered her entire mouth, a shock caller, and a very restricting straight jacket, and with the many growls she gave out, she looked very crazy and monstrous.

"The innocent girl she was before, was now gone, replaced with a Grimm-like human, she's overly aggressive and violent, attacks everything that breathes, and would eat anyone unfortunate enough to cross her path... Including her species, this was shown when I hired a group of wanted mercenaries to subdue her only to be ripped apart and eaten alive."

The doctor looked past the blonde, to see a pile of bones of the many people Dr Merlot had fed to this beasts woman.

"If Weiss is considered the most dangerous, then this Blonde will be classified as the most Deadly."

Then he pulls out a small remote and presses the button, activating the caller, which shocks her with a dangerous amount of electricity, which makes her feel extreme pain and struggle to stand.

"But beasts are more easier to tame than humans."

He let go of the button, which stopped the shock, and when that ended, Yang fell on her knees, panting, and glaring at the doctor.

"Well then, that is my report for the day, nothing new has happened worth writing down, but like I said before."

he wrote on his paper and walked away from the cage.

"That should be considered a good thing..."

He then left the room, leaving alone the girls with their problems they have to suffer through.

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