Recovery and outcome

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A whole military battlion surround the area of Dr. Merlot secret hideout, they were taking away any research or unusual technology, killing any remaining Mutant Grimm, and taking away the dead body of Dr. Merlot, while this was happening, General James Ironwood, walked up to the four of the five Huntermen/Huntress that was responsible for the retrivel of Team RWBY, though the he noticed the four didn't leave this whole thing unscathed, Oobleck, the less injured here and was only covered in soot, light scratches and his clothes were burned slightly was Port, he was wearing new clothes, because all of it, inluding his hair, was burned off, Glynda, has a few broken bones, around the ribs, left arm, right leg, and neck, had to make a homemade cast and bandages to keep it in place untill she got to a hospital, Qrow was covered in deep cuts and scars, some flesh was ripped off, and had three claws mark over his right face, luckily missing his eyes, but still needed to be patched up, as for Tai, he wasn't there, which cause for great concern for the General

"Are you all, alright? Where's Taiyang? And did you manage to rescue the girls?"

James was confused, and worried and wanted to know what exactly happened

"Don't worry about us, we've fought harder battle than this, though this would make it in the top 5~"

Port tries to make light of the situation, letting Ironwood know that everything is fine

"And Taiyang, while he might've been the most injured, having his whole left side burned, he will make a full recovery in a week or two."

The speed greeny gave some comforting news to the General, which made him relax a little.

"And the girls?"

Ironwood's comfort was short-lived when he saw the sad expression of the four, which made him very concerned.

"The girls are very healthy and are unharmed, in a way..."

Was the only thing the female blonde could say that was positive.

"I don't understand?"

Hearing this didn't make James feel reassured at all, it made him feel more concerned.

"Not only did that son of a bitch make the girls, including my niece, carry an unwanted child."

The black-haired male with red eyes clenched his sides angrily.

"But he managed to turn them all into dangerous monsters!"

*Back at the lab, we see a bunch of mechanical soldiers in the lab, ready to safely transport the four girls*

"H-How so?"

The General couldn't help but ask, while the soldiers opened the door, and was immediately met with unwanted force.

"Yang became a mindless monster."

We see Yang already tore threw a bunch of Atlisian Knights, effortlessly ripping and crushing them.

"Blake, an instinct-driven beast."

We see Blake breathe out fire at any that came close, already melting most of them.

"Weiss, a literal walking energy of pure Dust."

Most of the machines try to walk up to Weiss, but most either blow up, freeze, catch on fire, or even blast away

"And Ruby... She hasn't even used her silver eyes before and now she can't turn it off!"

Ruby huddles in a corner, her eyes closed tightly and shaking, and around her is nothing but destruction

"Dr. Merlot is lucky he's dead because if he was still around, he would have hell to pay..."

Qrow clenched his fist, filled with unbridled rage, to which Port pat his shoulder to calm him.

"I see, so is sending them home not an option?"

James wore a deep frown from this dire situation, all the while we see the remaining Atlasian Knights bring out the girls, Yang was covered in sleeping darts, Blake wore a muzzle and a leash, Weiss's freezer cage was being carried out, and Ruby was carried away while having her eye covers back on

"No, and nor is taking them back to Beacon, they're too unstable to be around the public."

Glynda sighed, rubbing her temples in frustration.

"The best we can do is send them to Atlas, where they can be quarantined, safe, and hopefully, be fixed by this unfortunate problem."

She briefly glances at team RWBY being put in a big aircraft to be transported away

"And if we can't?" James asked.

".... I don't know..."

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