Reunion Tundra

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Winter is in the middle of putting on some type of mechanical techno suit that was made to protect her from extreme and hazardous environment, once she was completely suit up, she grabbed a advanced looking suitcase and walked out the changing room, walking past a lot of scientists, security and other workers, her destination wasn't that far, now standing in front of a very big door, which looks more like a bank vault or something similar like that, and then one that was standing guard in front of the heavily guarded entrance, there were four very large and bulky android's, with thick armour and heavy weapons that look like some type of flame thrower, though it shoots ice and water instead of fire, which made the Military Schnee frown, but said nothing as she raised up her scroll and shows off her ID at the security bots, who scanned it before stepping aside, two opened the heavy door, while the other two had their weapons pointed and ready to shoot if needed, the Young Lady just ignores them, even if they annoy her greatly, she only focus and looks at what was ahead of her, which was nothing but a indoor blizzard once the door opens, it was enough to push Winter back a bit, but once she regain her balance, she walks into the room, which was big enough to fit a house, this actually gave the Military Schnee quite a struggle, not only from the big size, but also because the harsh wind kept pushing her back, and the thick layer of snow that covered the entire floor made it difficult to move, but she didn't falter or looked discourage, she just continue to look determined and motivated, she spent a few moments walking around and figure out where everything was, but after finding what she was looking for, she just calmly walk towards it without hesitation, and the more she got closer to it, the more the blazing blizzard slowly turned into a very dry and even slightly burnt/melted spot of the room, which made her Mechanical Suit give out warning about how dangerous and hot it was, while also slowly malfunctioning itself as it couldn't handle such a hostile environment, but the Young Lady just ignored it all as she just stopped and stood in front of the source of all this, and the main reason she was here.

"I'm sorry, my Dear Sister, I hope you didn't have to wait too long for me in this dreadful room."

Winter stood in front of and was talking to Weiss Schnee, who was huddled in the farthest corner of the room, doing nothing but hiding in her knees, but stopped and looked up when she heard her Elder Sisters voice.

"I-I'm fine... S-Sorry I keep d-destroying the clothes you all g-gave me..."

When Weiss stopped hugging her body and sat up straight, the Military Schnee was able to see that her specially made clothes were destroyed, due to the extreme '[Aura]' she kept letting out.

"It's not your fault, and we can always make more."

Winter tried to reassure her Young Sister, as she then sat on her knees and placed the suitcase in front of her, opening it and revealing a new set of clothes for the overcharged Schnee.

"We've managed to upgrade your clothing a bit, but now it can last around fifteen hours instead of the usual twelve... Do you need help changing?"

After Winter explained the new feature while also asking if she needed help, the Smaller Sibling just shook her head no, as she grabbed her new set of clothing and stripped away her old ones, leaving her momentarily naked and allowing the Older Sibling to see the round pregnant tummy that was connected to her Young Sister, seeing this made her clench her fist and wear an expression of pure rage and regret.

'I should've taken my Sister with me after I left, she would've been away from our awful family and not end up in this situation..... I don't deserve to call myself the Older Sibling, especially if I can't even save you back then and now...'

Before Winter could cry and consider punishing herself, she was quickly snapped out of her thoughts by overcharge Schnee, who was now wearing her new set of clothing to protect everyone from her power, she interrupted the ugly thoughts that the Military Schnee was having, but giving a tight and much wanted/needed hug.

"I'm grateful that you're still around, I don't think I would be able to handle myself if I didn't have you in my life, thank you, thank you so very much."

Weiss nuzzles her head and held her Big Sister even tighter, Winter could only look back at her Small Sister with an unreadable face, before taking off her helmet, despite the risk, and holding her back just as tightly, tears finally started falling from her eyes and only had enough strength to not break down and cry completely*

"I will always be in your life... always and forever..."

A/N:I'll be taking some time off for a little while to write a new chapters for my other story.

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