Atlas Rehabilitation

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Time has passed since Team RWBY rescued Ironwood walking through the military base/lab hallways, passing by many workers and soldiers, and going up to a female in a lab coat talking to her fellow scientist*

"Good evening, Amy."

James politely buds in and gets the head science lady's attention

"Hello James, how have you been."

She spoke with a kind smile, she faced the General, and her co-workers decided to leave the two be and continue their work

"So tell me, were you able to cure them in any way?"

Ironwood wore a hopeful expression when he asked, she sadly shakes her head no.

"Unfortunately, since they are not sick we can not just fix what has been done to the girls..."

Hearing her say that made him frown and sigh in disappointment and sadness.

"But, we did manage to make them more, 'Safe', to be around."

The science lady tries to use the right words best suited to what she has done, which confuses the military leader of Atlas.

"Please explain."

Amy just responded with a 'Follow Me' gesture and walked off, to which the General went with her, Ironwood and Amy entered a big livingroom size room, which showed Team RWBY in it, they were trapped and locked up, but weren't treated like animals this time, because the room they were quarantined in had stuff a normal home would, with a few additions*

"Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Blake were properly treated and given certain needs to make them less deadly and dangerous for everyone that gets close to them."

The four pregnant girls were doing their things in the room, without anything being destroyed.

"How so Amy?"

We see Ruby Rose, in her normal Pjs this time, laying on the bigger, more comfy bed, with a more at ease and relaxed expression, and seemingly trying to take a peaceful nap.

"Miss Rose didn't need that much to be considered a threat since all she needs are those eye covers, but we did give her more proper care and better treatment to feel less stress and more at ease."

Next, we see Weiss Schnee, wearing a very very very thick coat, pants, socks, and mittens, sitting next to a heater at full blasts, shivering and letting out cold breaths of air*

As for Miss Schnee, after a few failed attempts, found a way to temporarily contain her deadly Aura, by creating special clothing that wouldn't be damaged easily and filling up the in-between layer with a ton of liquid Ice Dust, it should keep her at bay for 12 hours before needing a fresh set."

Next, Blake Belladonna, wearing a one-piece made of reptile scales ran over to Weiss and grabbed and took away the heater from the Jacket girl, while also letting a loud threatening 'Hiss', this made the Schnee back away and whimper.

"Blake Belladonna, she was a tough one, not so much as being dangerous to us, but to the other girls as well, with her mixed-up dragon and feline instincts taking over her mind, she has become very territorial and hostile to Ruby, and Weiss, and without someone to keep her check, she will continue to act like this... Luckily we have Miss Xiao Long for that."

Before the kitty dragon can take the heater from the crying Dust girl, someone has stepped up to the two and let out a low growl, catching the two attention.

"While Yang's mind has completely become that of a wild Grimm, her bond with the girls, mixed in with overly motherly protectiveness, has practically made her the Alpha and the protector of these girls."

Yang Xiao Long, wearing bandages bra, and underwear, had her arms crossed and glared down at Blake with her red eyes, the pregnant Faunus lowered her head in submission and gave back the heater to the pregnant shivering girl.

"I will be honest, I'm not sure these girls will ever return to normal, even after giving birth."

The pregnant wild blonde let out a huff turned away from them, and started walking towards her pregnant sister on the bed.

"But I can tell you this, they will no longer be a danger to themselves and will live the rest of their days safe, protected, and never, ever again be mistreated or hurt in any way."

Behind a one-way window, General Ironwood and Amy looked into the room and saw the elder sister sitting on the bed the blindfolded silver eyes laying her head on her lap, and sleeping more peacefully and comfortably, James couldn't help but sigh

"For now, that will be all we can do for them until we can find a way to cure them from this..."

He shook his head and walked off, to which the scientist followed after him.

"I will go back to maintaining the Military and contacting Ozpin, please continue your work, Amy."

the scientist nodded and the two walked out and left behind the four girls in the room, to which Blake and Weiss came to the bed and snuggled against Yang's side, who accepted them, and held the two close with her arms, which team RWBY cuddle one another and fell asleep on the bed, all relaxed and in peace...

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