Rescue and Revelation

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A Few Hours Later, we see an airship with Taiyang, Qrow, Glynda, Port, and Oobleck in it, None of them looked very happy as they prepared their weapons.

"When I Fine This Son Of A Bitch, He Would Wish He Was Never Born!"

The blonde man was the most pissed off.

"You took the words right out of my mouth..."

The red eye man spoke coldly, equally pissed, though a bit more calmer compared to his partner.

"Yes, we all want to seek out justice and punish the evil, but please do not forget, our main objective is to search and rescue the girls, Dr. Merlot comes in second."

The female Huntress, while upset, was not mindless and was thinking very clearly about the main objective, she pulled out her scroll and it showed a GPS, they were close to their locations.

"We're almost there, so be prepared before we land."

The group of pro-Hunters nodded and wore a very determined expression, much to the excitement of ACCME, who watched things threw her one eye, she smiled excitedly.

'Yay, they got my message~"

She giggled and blinked, her eyes turning back to normal, then she looked down and organized the notes and explanation for all four girls captive her in this lab, she placed it on the table and walked off, humming a piece of soft music, she felt the building slightly shake, the alarm turns on, gunfire can be heard, but she didn't seem bothered by any of this, she just continues walking towards the computer/watch room, where Merlot was at, who worriedly watches the screens, which shows the Hunter's invading the building, and were easily destroying any high tech robots or genetically modified Grimm.

"No No NO! How Did They Find Us, I Thought We Were Well Hidden!"

The scientist was panicking from this unexpected situation that was unfolding.

"AH! This Is So Sudden! We Need To Prepare The Airship And Leave!"

He looks away from the screen and starts typing some codes.

"ACCME, Go Get Our Tests Subjects And Load Them Up!"

He was setting up the timer, while also transporting all research to his hard drive.

"Hopefully this self-destruct kills these pesky Hunters, I rather not want to deal with them in the future..."

After everything was read, Merlot was about to press enter and start the countdown but stopped when his partner grabbed the back of his head.

"Thank you for moving the plot forward, but you are no longer needed~"

*She then slams his head into the controls, which breaks and starts electrocuting the Doctor, she lets go and lets him be shocked to death, then she turns around and walks away, humming again, and disappears, Meanwhile, we see the Pros in the middle of the fighting and defeating a huge mutated Deathstalker, Oobleck, and Port both distracted and gave on slot attacks with their fire breathing weapons, Taiyang and Qrow went in close to do specific damage to the Grimm, in hopes to both tire it out, and fine its weak spots, all the while Glynda would use her semblance as support, protecting her teammates from deadly blows and taking advantage of any opening she fines, soon it was enough to kill the big green scorpion Grimm, and the watch is dissolved away into nothingness, they have won the battle.

"Oof... I say that was the most deadly Grimm I've ever encountered in my life."

The fat guy chuckles, he had worked up a sweat, maybe even lost a few pounds in the process.

"It was very fortunate to arrive just in time to deal with a problem before it could get any worse."

Oobleck pants heavily and tries to catch his breath, Taiyang and Qrow, not caring about who or what they have defeated, walk up to Glynda, who is looking at the scroll GPS again.

"D-Did you find our daughters/niece yet?"

The two looked hopeful, they were exhausted and just wanted to recuse their family and take them home, the lady nodded and led them, soon, after a while of searching, finally arrived at the basement and found the four cages that contained the girls, to which shock the hunters, even more, to see them in person in such a state, miserable, violated and forced to carry an unwanted child.

"Oobleck, call for a medical team, and tell James we're waiting for extraction at this location, and Quickly!"

Glynda ordered Oobleck, before she, Port, Taiyang, and Qrow rushed towards the glass cells to release, Qrow went up to Yang's cell opened it, and went to her side.

"Yang, are you ok?!"

The uncle lifts the blonde teen's chin and looks for any injuries, though only notices a shock collar around her neck and a muzzle on her face, Taiyang runs up to his daughter and holds Ruby in his arm.

"Sweety, are you ok, did they hurt you?"

Her father checks for any injuries, though did notice her blindfold, Port opens Blake's cage and goes inside.

"Don't worry my faunus friend, we'll make sure you'll get out here safely."

The old guy said reassuringly and was about to touch the kitty cat, Glynda was looking around the metal cube, looking for any way in.

"I can't imagine the torture they put you in..."

The combat professor said sympathetic and found the door handle and was about to open it, all the while the history teacher finished the call and sighed.

'Help should be on their way, hopefully, it won't take long for them to get here...'

The speedy doctor was about to help with the others but stopped himself when he noticed the table with 'Secret Files' in it, in his curiosity, he picked them up and quickly read them, though when he kept reading, his calm expression soon turn to horrific and disgusts.

"My Oum..."

Oobleck then looked at his team and saw Qrow take off Yang's shock collar and muzzle, Taiyang take off Ruby's blindfold, Port wake up Blake, and Glynda turned the door handle.


The blonde teen opened and showed off her red eyes, growling and tackling Qrow, the cat faunus backed away from Port and blew fire at his face, when Taiyang removed the blindfold, the 15-year-old sliver eyes glowed and blasted him, and when Glynda opened the metal door, she was blasted away from a strong wave of very powerful aura, and all the Oobleck could do was watch in shock and horror.

"Helps not coming fast enough..."

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