Chapter 19: A Perfectly NORMAL Day

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Waking up that fine cold November morning, no one in Hogwarts we're going to be prepared for what will be popping up during this breakfast in the Great Hall. The clad of students filled in from the two different doors (Rowena's fault, I tell you!) that lead to the Hall.

Last night, Fred, George and Harry made a plan to make sure chaos ensures in the too tense atmosphere of the school, mostly because of the mistakenly guilty Sirius Black. Really, people needed to learn on how to liven up a bit, you know? Get some of that sunshine in your pocket~

Somehow, Fred and George had found the room of requirements and seized a few precious items from the pile of mysteries, they totally didn't steal. Definitely, did not. Unless... you count the time where they did sent a Hogwarts toilet seat to Ginny, but that didn't count as stealing...


As the Hall filled in with about majority of the students of the school, George snatched his bag and pulled the two muggle mics out, somehow even having a click eight outlet power-board with a USB. He threw a mic to Fred and proceeded to pull out a guitar and handed that over to Harry, who plugged it into the outlet.

George picked up his mic and tapped it a few times until it make a screeching noice.

"Am I Fred, George, Gred or Forge? Bitches, Bros and non-binary hoes, we are here on a momentous occasion, upon the passing of the well known Italian chef, vaffanculo. He had sadly left us and decided to pasta-way. Take it away Gred! Harrikins!"

"Yeah-" Fred sang in a high-pitched voice while Harry started to strum the guitar.
"You are my fire

The one desire

Believe when I say

 I want it that way-"

 George danced along, or was it Fred? 

On the other side, Salazar hit some pretty dramatic poses while still  playing as Godric joined in by... pulling a drum set out of his... bag? Slay, but honestly, What the fuck?

"But we are two worlds apart

Can't reach to your heart

When you say

That I want it that way-"

"Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake-"

"Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way!" 

They both finished together and let Harry and Neville had some of the spotlight as they finished off as well. The Great Hall exploded in Applause and some playful jeers while a few wolf-whistled at them as the trio came of the table and gave a bow. Ron and Seamus were rolling on the floor laughing while Ginny, Luna and Hermione pressed their hands to their mouths to stop the giggles from erupting.

 Even the teachers seemed to be amused, especially McGonagall as she bashed her head into the table and cried out something like "I don't get payed enough for this shit! First the fucking Marauders and now these little motherfu-"

She was very impressed.


Harry sat back down next to Ron as Neville flashed a wink to some girls behind them. Owls started to fill into the Hall, so imagine Salazar's surprise when he saw a familiar snowy white owl soaring towards him?

Hedwig 'gently' thumped onto the table and shoved  the obvious broom shaped package off her as she started to munch on the bacon from the bowl infront of her before taking off again, presumably the owlery.

"Wonder what it could be-" Salazar drawled feigning curiosity, just before Godric snatched the package right out of his hands and opened it.

"IT A FUCKING FIREBOLT! BLOODY HELL HARRY!" Neville screamed like a little girl receiving presents from the tooth fairy. He started the swing the broom around and managed to hit Harry off his seat as the poor boy-who-doesn't-want-to-live-anymore got knocked of his seat and onto the floor, of course only when the knife for the bread got whacked too and into Harry's arm. 


R.I.P Godric or Neville, what ever. 

Time with you was good on this earth (not)

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