A More Hopeful Sight

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"Paul, we're going to have to ask someone for directions when we figure out where we'd like to go," George pointed out.
A small smirk appeared on John's face as he tapped the pocket in which he held the phone in. He knew that he could probably find some form of map on it.
"Well, I'd really love to get back to London, but that seems incredibly unlikely considering...everything," Paul sighed.
"We're just going to have to keep walking until we get our thoughts together. I don't even know how we ended up here!" John exclaimed. "However, I would like to—" John cut himself off, his mouth gaping in shock. A large screen on a building displayed an advertisement for something he'd never think he'd see.
For the "last Beatles song".
John shoved George's shoulders towards the building, which also turned into Paul and Ringo gazing in awe at it.
"That's—that's us! That's our song. How'd this happen if our last album was in 1970?" John gasped in shock and slight excitement. He reminded himself of one of his own frantic fans, which did embarrass him a bit.
At least he was free from them.
For once, he actually wasn't surrounded by screaming people who clawed their way through crowds just to get to him and his band.
He hadn't had this peace for a while, but it felt wonderful.
The peaceful trance didn't last for long. John felt himself being stared at by many people.
Of course, others would be mesmerized by how four men managed to look exactly like the Beatles. Why would accidental time travel ever cross their minds?
George eyed John, who nodded as a gesture that meant, Yeah, of course we should get out of here!
John wanted anything but a crowd. He was still trying to comprehend everything that'd just happened before.
He craned his neck over to Paul, and whispered, "Paul, let's go!"
Paul didn't respond, instead walking off and expecting the others to follow, something that did happen. John respected the decision, it was exactly what he had wanted in the first place.

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