And I Say~It's Alright

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"It started happening just recently, and I—I haven't got a clue as to why," George said quickly, his breathing heavy.
John gave a nervous look to Paul. He knew exactly what was happening.
"I think I know what's going on, if you'd like to be told," John cautiously spoke.
"Sure. Any explanation would be fine."
"Well, y'know how I lost consciousness earlier? My back's got three bruises. We were in front of the building that I'm going to die in front of."
"John, I'm terrified right now. What if I die right now? What if—" George's frantic speech was cut off by John placing a hand on his shoulder, a simple, yet sympathetic gesture.
"It'll be alright. I turned out well, and I know that you will."
"It's all been so sudden, though. My thoughts are racing and it's dizzying," George spoke quickly, noticeably holding in a cough.
John looked up ahead of where he was and spotted a vending machine. He mentally noted the fact that the money he had would be worth a fortune in the present.
"Give me a few moments, George," John murmured, walking over to the machine. He pressed a few buttons, slid in the money, and waited for multiple bottles of water to be pressed out.
He returned to his bandmates quickly, handing a bottle to George, who thankfully took it. John placed the remaining bottles on the bench that he sat on originally.
"Ringo, Paul, do you mind if George and I had a little private chat?" John questioned.
"I really don't mind. I've experienced too much already today," Ringo shrugged. Paul gave a small nod.
John stood again, helping George up.
"Do you feel alright enough to be doing this?" John asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I guess."

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