John Lennon's Escape From a Hospital and Paul McCartney's Encouragement

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John awoke slowly in an unfamiliar room. He still felt drowsy and somewhat delirious. His vision was extremely cloudy. John's surroundings were completely unfamiliar.
Aside from the left of him.
It was Paul, of course. His eyes lit up as John met them. John shook his head, rubbing at his eyes.
"Is that you, Paul?" John squinted.
"Yeah, it's me," Paul replied happily.
"Well, do you mind telling me what's happened? I'm terribly confused right now," John inquired in a very disoriented manner.
Paul sat still for a moment, having to compose his thoughts due to the bewildering sequence of events that had just happened.
"You lost consciousness, but no one seems to know why. However, there are three bruises on your back that would've been caused by gunshots, but there's no clear evidence for that. Everything's been quite weird," Paul explained.
"Weren't we near a flat when this all happened? What was it called?"
"I'm fairly sure it was called the Dakota."
These words awakened John even more. He'd read about that place in the research he'd done on the phone.
He died at that flat. That explained everything.
John could only stare in stunned silence.
"So, well—uh, how long was I unconscious for?" John broke the quietness, albeit in a somewhat awkward manner.
"Nine hours."
John's eyes widened even more. What was with that specific number?
"Is that all there is to it, then? Nothing strange?"
"Your brain waves have been quite funky. They were a mix between dead and unconscious. You're meant to be dead in this year, but something has happened," Paul elaborated somewhat nervously.
"Alright, yeah, I'd truly love to get out of here now and go back to the time we're supposed to be in. I don't care too much if there are objections from the nurses or whatever, I'm leaving," John stated.
"Go easy on yourself, then."
"Are you encouraging me?"
"You're the one insisting," Paul shrugged.
"Do you know where my suit is? I'd love to have it back," John requested.
"I'll ask somebody, if you'd like," Paul smiled.
John nodded as Paul walked out of the room. He was completely ready to leave. John wasn't even meant to be in the future. He felt a strange sense of isolation mixed with sentimentality. A feeling of not belonging. As of right now, he was completely stranded.
Paul arrived with a nurse, who had a bag that contained John's suit in her hand. John groaned, knowing that the presence of the nurse would only slow everything down.
"It says here that your name is John Lennon, is that—is that correct?" The nurse's voice trailed off as they spoke, glancing at John's face. The connection was quickly made between his name and appearance.
"Huh. You look like his doppelgänger," the nurse muttered, still in shock. "So, you requested this suit to be brought to you?"
"Yeah. I'd be pleased to have it back."
"Well, it says on this chart that you've suffered a major back injury. I don't think you should plan to be out-and-about yet," the nurse suggested.
"My, technically, me and my good friend Paul's predicament is quite unique. You wouldn't understand it without experiencing it," John explained.
"Sorry, did you say Paul?"
"Yes. That's right, the man to your left is called Paul."
John let out a breath of disappointment. Only more chaos would ensue, unless the nurse cared more about why in the world a patient would request such a specific article of clothing. John gave a look to Paul, and Paul returned it.
"I do think that this is besides the original topic, isn't it, John?" Paul added, encouraging John to speak.
"Names are somewhat irrelevant, I'd say. Could I just get my suit back and get out of here? I'm not staying, and that's that."
"You'd risk getting even more injured, through," the nurse frowned.
John rolled his eyes. "Paul, do you know how to disconnect an IV line?"
The nurse's eyes widened.
"I think you've got to press it down first and slide it across your arm, if you understand that."
"I do."
John winced as he followed Paul's simply-given instructions. It worked. He unclipped a few other miscellaneous objects, stood up, and gestured for the nurse to give him the bag of clothing.
"Come on. You know you won't keep me in this hospital."
The nurse reluctantly released her grip on the bag, allowing John to take it from her in an ever-so-slightly firm manner.
John gave a smirk.
"Thanks, miss."
John and Paul stepped out of the room, happy to finally be leaving. John went off and into a bathroom to change his clothes. Paul waited outside of the area that John was inside of, leaning against the wall.
John emerged out of the bathroom, appearing to be disgusted by the wrinkles in his suit. He carelessly dropped the gown he formerly wore on a desk and walked near the hospital's exit, beckoning for Paul to walk faster.

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