Attempt at the Prevention of George's Fate

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"Hey, George, have you got a pack of ciggies?" John inquired innocently.
"A whole pack or just one?"
"Eh, as many as you've got," John replied.
George shrugged and pulled out the requested pack of cigarettes. John immediately took it from him and crushed the object under his shoe. George looked at him with simple confusion.
"You know how you die, don't you?" John asked.
"Yeah, but it'd alter the course of time if I didn't, wouldn't it?" George mentioned, frowning.
"We've already altered the course of time by being here! What's it going to do if just a bit more happens?" John argued. "I don't want you dead so fast, George. You deserve to live fully, just like Paul and Ringo. It's not fair if you die before them," he sighed.
"I don't want you to die either, John. If you're going to do this for me, then the least that I can do is keep you away from this city. Y'know, we ought to be bombarded any second now," George said softly and solemnly, slightly diverging from the original topic. He looked behind himself at a worried Paul.

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