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John blinked harshly and tremulously stood, squinting and holding himself against the wall.
The person in front of him appeared to be quite belligerent, looking as though he could initiate a fight at any moment.
"Well, what brings you here? How'd you even get in here?"
John's jaw fell slightly at the sight.
That was him.
He observed his surroundings more. It was his flat in Hamburg.
A flood of memories washed over his brain, and part of that wave was this experience. However, there was a weird blockage when he tried to think of what would happen after this. It was practically open.
"It's a long story if I try to explain it, but I think you're me," John spoke after a long pause.
"Oh, don't lark about! What's your deal here, eh?"
"What year is this, then?"
"It's 1964 where I'm coming from, but technically 2023."
"Prove it, then," younger John stated.
"I'll tell you that you have become famous, and that multiple countries have become infatuated with your band."
"Tell me what's happened recently," younger John challenged.
"'The Thing' was removed from the floor."
"I do suppose that only someone in this flat could know that," younger John admitted embarrassedly.
"Which would mean that I am telling the truth, so you'd better start believing me!" older John exclaimed in an exasperated manner.
"Alright, I believe you, but what can I do for the situation? You've really just appeared out of nowhere."
"I think that certain points allow for time travel more than others, just an opinion," John explained with a physically pained expression on his face. He took a deep gulp of air, and looked very out of breath.
"You see," older John began. "I don't think time travel is very good—if you're conscious for its effects."
John's younger self had an astonished look on his face, and said nothing.
Older John sat himself down slowly and gave a short exhale.
"My brain feels like it's been totally burnt," he expressed, breaking out into a fit of laughter.
Younger John still stood, wide eyed.
"Would you—would you like something to eat? Paul's making food in the other room.
"Nice chap isn't he, that Paul?" John said in an uncalled for manner as he stood up carefully, only to earn another weirded-out look from his younger self.
"Paul, the visitor's me," younger John explained simply as he seated himself on a small chair.
"Hello, then, Johns," Paul greeted, not looking up from his cooking.
Older John looked around, gazing at the room that was so weirdly known to him. He never thought he'd see this flat when he left it.
"Well, how's the band been doing?" he asked casually.
"We've been fine," a disembodied voice answered from the left of the room. Older John whipped his head around to see three people; George Harrison, the person that had answered, Pete Best, and Stuart Sutcliffe.
John hadn't encountered two of these people in a matter of years. He then began to debate mentally whether they should be told about their future or not. Instead of doing anything, he simply stood in silence, later walking over to and sitting next to his younger self.
Paul passed around small plates of toast and eggs to the people in the room, along with cups of tea. He was blatantly confused by the whole occurrence, but didn't speak of his feeling. Plenty of weird events had already happened in Hamburg.
"How could we help you out? I'm not too acquainted with the idea of traveling in time, but I'm sure something has got to happen," Paul frowned, expecting practically any answer.
No reply was given, which didn't effect anything. Paul sat down and began to eat, as everyone else was doing.
Older John looked down at his plate. He felt as if he hadn't eaten anything in nearly months.
John was genuinely starving. He had to fuel himself immediately. John craved not only food, but so much more. He wanted to simultaneously sleep for as long as possible and let his body sort everything out, and go completely berserk. His mind wouldn't stay on one thought, it kept going, then somewhat pausing, then going back again. He could feel and hear his own heartbeat, and it seemed to be racing. Everything seemed to be going so fast, yet so slow at the same time.
John had finished eating and was back on his feet before he even knew what he was doing.
"One of you is going to get kicked out of the band," older John spoke mysteriously, moving his vision around the room, which gained looks from its inhabitants.
"It could be any of you. Any. So, really, I suggest pulling yourselves together."
"Can't you just say who it is if you know?" George asked innocently.
"Ah, but wouldn't that just ruin it, young lad? I mean, we can't just have spoilers wandering about, can we?" John responded intensely, moving towards George, who raised two curious and slightly amused eyebrows.

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