Insolent Child!

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Seemingly out of the blue, a teenage girl approached them. John looked at her with confusion.
"You both kind of like, look like those Beatle guys. Could I take a picture with you two? People will think I'm so cool."
"First of all, you child, we are the Beatles. Second of all, if you want to help us, go right ahead and we'll tell you all you need to know, because I, John Winston Lennon, am fed up with every and all things that have been going on," John snapped without remorse.
"Wow, you believe that you're actually from that band? Aren't they all dead now, or something?" the girl rolled her eyes sarcastically.
"Ah, be quiet you absolutely insolent kid. I'll gladly provide you with what you need to know. Oh, also, I'm not dead yet."
"Ok, if you say so. What even were you going to tell me?"
"Basically, I've time travelled on accident with my friend here, George Harrison. Paul and Ringo are somewhere around here, too. If there's anything here in the 21st century that could genuinely help us, then I'd be so happy," John went on frustratedly.
"You think I bel—"
"Shhh," John and George hushed simultaneously.
"Listen, it's a yes or no question. Will you or won't you help us out?" George asked.
"I don't know, I mean..." the girl's voice trailed off.
"Then, you can go back right over there," John pointed towards his left, "and get back to where you were before."
"That's so rude of you," the kid rolled her eyes, walking off.
John gasped. "Rude of me? Me?"
"Don't think about it too much, John," George advised.

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