Self Blaming

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I stand alone in the dark,
My heart heavy with regret,
My mind consumed by a spark,
Of self-blame I cannot forget.

I see my mistakes in every shadow,
Hear my failures in every sound,
My mind a constant battle,
Of self-blame that knows no bound.

I blame myself for every misstep,
Every wrong turn I have taken,
My heart aches with every regret,
Every mistake, a wound unshaken.

I see the world through a lens of guilt,
A burden I cannot shake,
My heart with self-blame is filled,
A weight I cannot break.

But in the darkness, a glimmer of light,
A voice that whispers, "It's okay",
A reminder that I am not defined by my plight,
And that self-blame will not lead the way.

So I take a deep breath and let it go,
The weight of self-blame lifting away,
I am not defined by my mistakes, I know,
And I will find my way, come what may.

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