Unity is a Weapon to Stop Crime

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In the face of crime, we stand as one,
A force united, a battle won.
For unity is a weapon, a powerful one,
A force that shines brighter than the sun.

In the streets, where danger lurks,
We stand together, a force that works,
A community that never shirks,
A bond that never breaks or jerks.

We watch each other's backs, we lend a hand,
We stand together, a united band,
A force that's strong, a force that's grand,
A bond that's forged, a bond that's fanned.

For in unity, we find our strength,
A force that's greater than any length,
A bond that's built on trust and faith,
A force that's built to conquer hate.

So let us stand together, hand in hand,
A force that's strong, a force that's grand,
A community that never disbands,
A bond that's forged, a bond that stands.

For in unity, we find our power,
A force that's built to conquer and tower,
A bond that's built to last an hour,
A force that's built to stop crime's sour.

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