Something in Something

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Something in the wind, a whisper soft and low,
A voice that speaks of secrets, a tale that's yet to show.
A mystery that lingers, a story left untold,
A feeling that's so fleeting, a wonder to behold.

Something in the water, a ripple on the surface,
A movement that's so gentle, a dance that's so purpose.
A life that's hidden deep, a world that's yet to see,
A beauty that's so wondrous, a mystery to be.

Something in the fire, a flame that dances bright,
A warmth that's so inviting, a glow that's so right.
A power that's so fierce, a force that's so strong,
A beauty that's so timeless, a wonder to belong.

Something in the earth, a seed that's yet to grow,
A life that's waiting patiently, a beauty yet to show.
A world that's so abundant, a bounty yet to reap,
A wonder that's so endless, a treasure we can keep.

For in something, there's a beauty to behold,
A wonder that's so timeless, a story yet to be told.
A mystery that's so wondrous, a tale that's yet to show,
A beauty that's so endless, a wonder we can know.

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