White Crayon

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In the box of crayons, so bright and bold,
Lies a crayon, so pure and cold.
A white crayon, so often sold,
Yet a color that's often untold.

It's a crayon that's often overlooked,
A color that's often underbooked,
A hue that's often undercooked,
Yet a color that's often mistook.

For in the hands of an artist's touch,
The white crayon can do so much,
It can add depth, it can add such,
A beauty that's hard to clutch.

It can add highlights to a scene,
A sparkle that's bright and clean,
A touch of magic, a touch of sheen,
A beauty that's often unseen.

It can add texture to a page,
A depth that's hard to engage,
A touch of wonder, a touch of sage,
A beauty that's hard to gauge.

So let us not overlook the white crayon,
A color that's often underdone,
For in the hands of an artist's sun,
It can shine bright, like the morning's fun.

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