Homeless Elegies

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The streets are his home,
A place where he roams alone.
His clothes are tattered and torn,
His face is weathered and worn.

He walks with a slow, steady pace,
His eyes fixed on an unknown place.
His hands are calloused and rough,
His heart is heavy and tough.

He carries a bag on his back,
Filled with all his worldly lack.
His possessions are few and far between,
But to him, they are everything.

He sleeps on a bench or the ground,
With no shelter to be found.
The stars are his only light,
As he dreams of a better life.

He begs for food and spare change,
Hoping for a chance to rearrange.
His life of poverty and despair,
Into something that he can repair.

But for now, he continues to roam,
A homeless man with no place to call home.
His elegy is one of struggle and strife,
A story of a man trying to survive.

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