A Protective Boy Friend

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In the heart of the bustling city,
Stands a figure, strong and tall,
His eyes, a well of sincerity,
His presence, a protective wall.

His hand, a steady anchor,
In the stormy sea of life,
His voice, a soothing whisper,
Amidst the noise and strife.

His gaze, a vigilant sentinel,
Watching over with care,
His strength, a silent promise,
To always be there.

His laughter, a shield of joy,
Warding off the gloom,
His love, a protective armor,
Against life's impending doom.

In the chaos of the world,
His presence, a calming balm,
His love, a protective fortress,
His heart, a soothing psalm.

So here stands the protective boyfriend,
His love, a force so grand,
Guiding, guarding, and cherishing,
With a gentle, yet firm hand.

Assorted PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora