Cutie Pie

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Cutie pie, a name so sweet,
A smile that's bright, a heart that's neat.
A joy that's pure, a love that's deep,
A beauty that's rare, a treasure to keep.

With eyes that sparkle, like the stars above,
A heart that's full of kindness and love.
A laugh that's infectious, a joy that's true,
A beauty that's timeless, a wonder to view.

With a touch that's gentle, a hand that's warm,
A heart that's open, a soul that's calm.
A love that's pure, a love that's true,
A beauty that's endless, a wonder that's new.

For in the heart of a cutie pie,
A beauty shines, like the morning sky.
A joy that's pure, a love that's bright,
A wonder that's endless, a treasure so right.

So let us cherish the cutie pies,
A beauty that's rare, a love that's wise.
A joy that's pure, a heart that's kind,
A beauty that's endless, a wonder to find.

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