(Chapter 11) Superior Part 1

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Rias Gremory POV

What is he doing here? He came to save me? Why? How?

"Man, it looks like the arena went through hell. Guess I showed up here a bit late after all..." Issei scanned the environment, as if nothing were wrong, snapping me out of my daze.

"You...?! What are you doing here?!"

"Huh? Didn't you call me here?"

"What?" Call him here? I had no way of contacting him.

"Yeah. I heard your voice calling out, saying "Help me!". So I came here as fast as I could." He started to rummage through his tracksuit pockets before pulling out the contract slip I made with him. The magic circle in the center glowed with an ominous red as he showed it to me. "I heard your voice coming through here, so I decided to use it."

"But I...I didn't say anything like that!"

"Really? Weird, I coulda sworn I heard your voice...did I come at a bad time or something?" My face was flushed slightly from seeing him. A mix of anger and embarrassment had caused it.

"Well, either way since I'm here. I might as well finish my end of the bargain." His voice was laced with confidence as he lowered me onto the ground. He had every intention to fight Riser, and before I knew it, I found myself reaching out to his sleeve. I grabbed on tightly and forced him to stop.

"N-No! You can't beat him, not as a human! I know we made a deal, but I'll void it after this. It's...it's pointless to fight him." I already let the rest of my peerage get hurt from fighting for my sake, but if Riser sees him here and they do fight, he'll actually die. My peerage members will be healed as they were a part of this rating game, but Issei's not. I can't have an actual innocent death hanging over my head.

"Hm? What're you talking about? This is the entire reason I made that deal with you. I came here to defeat him. What's gotten into you?" He stares at me like I'm crazy. Does he have a death wish?!

"Humans don't stand a chance against devils, you'll die! I'm trying to save your life here!" His eyes soften as he gazes over my figure. I can see myself in the reflection of his eyes, and I've seen better days. My skin is clearly burned and damaged, my hair is a complete mess, and my uniform has been destroyed in several different areas, leaving my body exposed to the elements. But, even in this dilapidated state of mine, his eyes are focused on my own.

"Oh...I get it now. You got burned...figuratively, and literally, burned. You know what kind of strength he has now and think nothing can top it, right? Well, you don't need to worry about me." Issei's eyes are straightforward as he talks to me in a calm tone. His burly hand reached for my own and removed my grip from his jacket.

"I've gotten much stronger since you last saw me." My fingers loosen their hold on his sleeve as he stands up and removes his jacket.

"Also, put this on. Your breasts are out in the open." Issei's jumper was thrown into my face, and instantly I was assaulted by a tender warmth that made me want to fall asleep. I hadn't realized how tired my body was, but I forced myself to stay awake while pulling it off of my face.

"W-Wait! I still haven't-" My sentence was cut off as my words got caught in my throat. I stared in awe as Issei turned to walk away.

Broad. As soon as my vision returned to me, I was met with his massive, masculine back. The muscles he was hiding beneath his shirt stressed the fabric of the light gray top he wore. I was instantly reminded of my cousin Sairaorg in the way he carried himself and felt a strange aura of calmness wash over me. His words about how he became stronger flashed through my head as I continued to watch. The longer I stared, the harder I found it to try and persuade him from fighting Riser. Instead...I found myself putting on his jumper to cover my chest like he told me too.

My life as the Protagonist of Highschool DxDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora