(Chapter 12) Reunion Part 3

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My talk with Ddraig was sudden, but appreciated. I spent the rest of my time sitting down in that house and letting Asia recuperate from her fatigue. Once she woke up, she tried to continue the ascent with me, but I firmly put my foot down. Her body hadn't fully acclimated from assimilating with the system, and had we kept going while she was still weak, she would be vulnerable. Last thing I want to happen is for her to pass out from gaining more levels along the way.

And so, a few days passed since then. Once I was absolutely certain she wouldn't faint from gaining more levels, we headed back in to continue our training. We ended up clearing around five floors, which pushed Asia to even greater levels. Our current skirmish was dealing with the last fallen angels on the 30th floor.

Sparks fizzled out in the air as my sword clashed against a fallen angel's spear. The musk from its rotten mouth made my nostrils shrivel up in disgust, and in reflex I kicked it away before calling down lightning from above. It shrieked out in pain before crumbling to dust and ash, its remains getting carried away by the cold wind.

[You have defeated an enemy]

[You have leveled up]

[Asia Argento has leveled up]

With a sigh of relief, I let myself fall to the ground below before causing an updraft to break my fall. There were no enemies nearby that I could sense, and the teleportation circle appeared right next to me, announcing that no enemies remained on this floor.

"Issei!" Asia, seeing the coast was clear, finally ran out from behind her cover to meet with me.

"You feeling alright, Asia? No nausea or sickness? High fever?"

"I feel perfectly normal." Once she got close to me, I focused my gaze on Asia in order to check her stats.

Name: Asia Argento Race: Human

Level: 33

Sacred Gear: Twilight Healing

STR: 2

AGI: 7

VIT: 10 (1,000)

INT: 87 (8,723)

SEN: 3

Her level had increased from twenty-seven to thirty-three after climbing these past floors. Her growth had certainly dropped in speed once she started getting closer to the enemies levels, and thankfully, that stopped her from getting sick like she did last time.

Her stats had changed as well, and they were leaning heavily on the Intelligence side for some reason. Well, seeing as she was more of a magic user in the anime, that makes sense.

"Issei, is something wrong? Y-You've been staring at me for a while now..."

"Oh, sorry about that." Since her window screen was in front of me, I didn't know how intently I was staring at her. Her face had flushed crimson yet again as I looked away.

"I was just checking your status to see your progress."


"Oh, I have the ability to see how strong a person is by looking at them. You've grown a lot since we first started climbing the tower together."

"Really? I don't feel all that different."

"Well, your strengths lie in something different." Now that I think about it, Asia's been on the side lines for quite some time now. She only ever came out to heal me if I ever got injured, which was happening a lot more the further we climbed the tower.

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