(Chapter 11) Superior Part 4

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The entire arena was silenced after I finished my declaration. For the longest time, I wanted to keep my existence a secret from those in the higher echelons of the supernatural. Angels, fallen angels and devils. These three species make up the main factions of the supernatural, and after the massive war they had, needed to resort to humans in order to rebuild their forces. Devils in particular, did everything they could to try and bring humans over to their side, seeing as they lost the most in that war. Their reincarnated servants were used to expand their power, and reclaim what they lost.

But I never wanted to be a slave to someone else.

My biggest desire once I found out I was brought to this world was to avoid interacting with Rias, or any of the other supernatural species, for fear of losing my freedom to someone else. And in order to make sure that didn't happen, I needed power.

Power strong enough so others didn't think they could easily walk over me. Power strong enough to take on entire armies. Power strong enough to do whatever I pleased.

And I had obtained just that.

Thanks to the system and my knowledge of future events, I spent every moment I could spare in pursuit of it. And though I struggled at the beginning, I was finally at a point where I could stand on my own. Once I reached this point, hiding was meaningless. As long as I show off here, and dash any of their hopes of trying to recruit me, the only ones I'll really have to worry about are the Great Satan's and higher ranked angels and fallen angels.

And so, I had planned to announce my presence like I just did...but damn was that embarrassing!

Why did I say that?! I mean, I was kinda riding a battle high after taking out the rest of Riser's peerage, so I said all of that off cuff, but still! I could've prepared something before showing up here, right?!

Is my face red? My face has got to be flushed right now. Why didn't I think of preparing a speech beforehand?!

"Red Dragon Emperor...?" Rias awoke from her daze and muttered my title before looking up at me. Seeing her staring at me from the corner of my eyes, I had no other option than to take a deep breath and try to calm my emotions.

No point in being embarrassed about it now, the words already left my mouth. Roll with it.

"A wielder of one of the thirteen Longinus...? Rias was in cahoots with someone like that?" Riser was also in shock at this revelation.

My embarrassment from earlier was fading by the second as they slowly became aware of who I was and the power I wielded. Alright, let's keep this momentum up.

"Now are you starting to realize what you're dealing with?" His bulging dark blue eyes were glued to me for a second before he started to chuckle.

"I'll admit, you almost had me break a sweat. But enough of your bluffs."


"Do you honestly think I'd be scared of some overgrown lizard? You surprised me with that giant magic attack from earlier, but such a powerful spell can probably only be used once per day, especially if it was used by human garbage such as yourself. From here, I can hardly even sense your magical aura, if you even have one. Your abilities lie in your physical strength and weaponry. And if that's the case, all I need to do is deal with you from a distance. Don't even think about comparing me to my peerage. I'm a full blooded devil of royalty! Their strength pales in comparison to mine!"

What...what is he going on about? He's still looking down at me? I would be angrier than I am now, if my confusion wasn't the more dominant emotion in me.

But now that I thought about it, he was right about one thing. I was still hiding my mana signature. Maybe he'll take me more seriously if I release it?

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