(Chapter 11) Superior Part 2

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After giving my final warning to Rias, I focused on the multitude of women that chased after me. The blue haired girl with the bo-staff was leading the charge. She used her smaller frame to catch up to me quicker than the rest, but I managed to reach the ground before she did, and dash away at the last second as she slammed the tip of her weapon into the dirt.

The dust cloud that appeared after her attack was massive. Large chunks of earth jutted upwards at an awkward angle that didn't seem natural. She knelt within a crater she had formed. The sight elicited a whistle from me as I started to remember who this girl was.

"If memory serves me right...wasn't she the chick that one-shot Issei in the clubroom?" I seemed to recall something like that happening. But, I don't remember her being strong enough to do that. Maybe I'm remembering things wrong?

While lost in thought, my pursuer rushed out of the crater to face me head on. Her movements were swift as she thrust the end of her pole into my face. She sought to kill, aiming her weapon towards my throat, eyes, lungs and any other weak spot she could find. A normal person would have been overwhelmed, but all her attacks just moved in slow motion for me.

I could see the trajectory of her attacks before she even completed them, and swiftly moved my head out of the way.


Alright, that's three now.

I dodged to the right when I saw another of Riser's women join in to assault me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Mira?! Take him out already!" The girl in a Chinese dress shouted before throwing a punch towards me. Her fist was ignited as orange-red flames covered her knuckles.

Her movement was much faster compared to the girl who I now know is Mira, but it was still within my ability to dodge it.

I pressed my weight into my feet and did a backflip, and watched as her left hook missed me by a mile. Her face was contorted in shock as I landed away from the two.

"I've been trying Xuelan, but this guy is faster than he looks!"

"Then we'll pour on the pressure!" Mira and Xuelan confidently plotted their next attack strategy in front of me before unleashing a barrage of high speed combinations. The ends of my hair got whipped up in several different directions as I kept my distance. I could see the sweat forming on their foreheads as they did everything they could to touch me, but failed entirely.


That's four.

I smirked, satisfied with my progress, but the two before me seemed to misinterpret it as me mocking them.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, you aren't just fighting us! Ni! Li!" From my peripheral, I noticed two blue and red blurs flip towards me. I noticed their feline features first and quickly moved my head to the side in order to dodge their flying kicks.

"You're agile, nya."

"But not more agile than us!"

...I took a moment to process what I just heard. I forgot this world has cat girls in it somewhere.

Seeing me as a threat, the four of them started to jump me. I found myself amidst a hailstorm of punches and kicks. Continuing to move at high speeds, I avoided every attack that came my way before catching Mira's bo-staff with my hand. She grinned at me as sweat ran down her face.

"For someone who was talking so much earlier, you've done nothing but dodge since we've started! Why so silent? Realizing the depth of your mistakes now?!"

"...Hm? Oh, sorry. I was deep in thought. I'm thinking about the best way to take out the cannon fodder." Mira let out a shout of anger while trying to force me away with her strength, but she couldn't budge me.

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