(Chapter 12) Reunion Part 2

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Form a party...? I can do something like that?

[Should you form a party with the character, Asia Argento, experience will be shared between the two of you]

We can even share experience?! I was left staring in silence at the system's information. My biggest fear about bringing Asia into the tower was the possibility that she might not be able to keep up. I haven't had the chance to check out the level of the enemies on this floor, but seeing as she was still level five, I wouldn't need to. A level five character can't possibly take on enemies on the 26th floor of this tower...at least, that would be the case if she stayed at her current level.

If she can level up from gaining experience from me, she can possibly grow strong enough to actually support me here. Not only that, but she can become a real asset in battles outside of the tower as well!

But, wait. If we share experience, wouldn't that mean I would get less from fighting enemies?

[While altered slightly, experience distribution of party members will always weigh in the favor of the system owner]

[Party members can only gain experience from fighting enemies of the tower]

[Quest experience, quest reward items and drop items can only be claimed by the Player]

A multitude of responses came from the system, answering most of the questions I had in mind at the moment. I swear, this thing becomes more talkative at the most random times...

Moving past that...the system is basically telling me Asia can grow stronger. If she gets strong enough to fight by my side in the tower, I won't need to worry about her as much. Plus, seeing this much determination in her eyes, it's kind of hard for me to say no...

"...Are you really willing to fight alongside me? Even against enemies that can, and will, kill you if you let your guard down?"

"I...I may not be the best at combat, but I'll do my best to support and heal you!"

She wasn't backing down at all. With a sigh, I faced Asia head on with a stern look in my eyes.

"If you're going to fight alongside me, I need to set some ground rules. You'll follow my orders, no matter what they are when we're inside here. Don't come out unless I call you, and hide when I tell you to. As you are right now, if the enemy sees you and tries to fight you, you'll get killed in seconds. I can fight to protect myself, but fighting and defending you might be a bit more challenging."

With silent determination, Asia nodded to me as I sighed.

[Would you like to form a party with Asia Argento?]

I gave my mental confirmation of the party and saw Asia's eyes lit up for a second. She was gazing off into space for some time before blinking rapidly.

"What...what was that?"

"Uh...I think I just shared some of my power with you...?"

"You can do that?"

"...Apparently." I cleared my throat while thinking about the best way to explain this to her.

"Think of it like this. For every enemy I defeat in this tower, I gain a sort of...essence that helps me grow stronger. What I just did to you, allows you to siphon a small portion of the essence I'd normally get to make yourself stronger as well. Given enough time, you'll be strong enough to take on these guys in a fight. Understand?"

"I...I think?" She was still clearly lost with the explanation, but I didn't have time to revise it as we were about to get attacked once more.

I could feel their presence a ways away and turned to face them.

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