(Chapter 12) Reunion Part 4

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Asia Argento POV

My words were caught in my throat as Issei puts me down on the ground. The open coat of his track suit fluttered in my face as he spoke to me.

"Forgive me, this is my fault." My ears are ringing as I feel my stomach toss and turn in every direction, but his voice is still crystal clear.

Why is he apologizing? He thinks this is his fault?

"I'll fight alone, you find somewhere to hide. And once this is over, you won't need to come back here anymore." My heart which was beating a thousand miles an hour suddenly seized up. It stopped, and my blood ran cold.

Is he telling me to go back? But...I came here to help him. I need to help him!

I try to stand up, but my legs fail me. They aren't injured, but they refuse to move no matter how much I want them to. I look up, wanting my voice to reach Issei in hopes he'll give me another chance, but the grotesque face of the massive fallen angel with four wings stops me again.

His skin is sickly gray and wrapped up in pitch black bandages. Slobber and drool is constantly falling out from their mouth, but Issei moves on, determined as ever.

He brandishes his sword like always, leaving a golden trail of light, before a powerful aura spreads out from his body. The green light eclipses my vision as he dashed forward, meeting the two hulking enemies head on.

I said I wanted to help him, that I would, but...I never knew.

I never knew the intensity of the battles that raged on in his daily life.

Their weapons clashed together, sending shockwaves to the surrounding area. My very body reverberated from the intense meeting, and caused me to hold onto myself for comfort. To Issei's left, one of the giant fallen angels thrust their spear into his face, but he caught it with his gauntlet-covered hand.

After using the forward momentum from the thrust spear, he spun around before flying over their shoulder and slicing at its face. He drew blood so easily and enraged them, but before the titan could turn around, Issei fired a ball of flames towards their face, blinding them.

The two were dazed as Issei landed on the ground and swung his blade around before coating it in yellow lightning. The earth was torn up as energy crackled fiercely down his weapon, and without hesitation, he jumped back into the fight.

He tore at their sides and struck them with lightning infused slashes while defending against their light spears. Every collision they made caused the air itself to vibrate. Thunderous blows echoed out, making my ears rumble and my body feel even weaker.

How does he deal with this by himself? How can he brave such dangerous battles by himself?

"Issei..." My voice finally comes out in a shaky whisper. I can only sit here and look on as he does everything in his power to fight the enemies before him.

Before, I couldn't keep up with these kinds of fights. They all seemed like extremely fast blurs to me, but after growing stronger, I could keep track of their movements.

"Trust me, you have the talent to at least do this much" Issei's encouraging words echoed in my mind once again. He said I had talent, that I had grown stronger. The fact that I could even see how he fought now was proof that he wasn't lying.

I may have changed physically, but what about mentally?

Issei suddenly groaned aloud as he suffered an attack to his exposed side. Blood started to spray out as he kicked back the one who hurt him. In that instant, his back nearly got pierced, but he managed to jump out of the way. Sweat poured down his face as he gasped for air, struggling to deal with these two opponents.

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