My knifes name is Kathy...

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(above is a picture of Sin)

The annoying as hell sound of my damn alarm clock going off filled the room (don't you just love his personality? <3), groaning I fell (literally) out of bed and fell on the still bloody knife from last nights blood-lust. I smirked as I remembered the look on their face before I killed them, ah sweet..sweet fear. My parents don't go into my room, and I've never been caught but still... better safe than sorry right? I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on. While waiting for the shower to warm up I cleaned my knife, her name is Kathy. And hid her under my bed. Grabbing random clothes, I walked back into the bathroom, stripped and stepped in. The warm water felt good on all my scars, I know what you're thinking and no, I don't self harm, so stop thinking it. (I just broke the fourth wall) All my scars from my parents, a long time ago... before I threatened to kill them then almost did, they left me alone after that... now every time I look at them I see that beautiful emotion.

After doing all that lovely shower shit, I put on my boxers (I felt sooo awkward writing this..) and a white under shirt (tank top type thing... i almost wrote under shit...) then put my black and blue 'STFU' pull-over hood on, with some ripped jeans and black combat boots. The dog tag around my neck jingled, it was black and silver with cool designs on it.

Comatose by Skillet blared in the room, going over to my phone I saw that my mother, Sandy was calling me, I answered the phone with a:

"the fuck you want, woman?"

"b-breakfast is ready s-sin... "

"stop stuttering, you sound more like an idiot than you usually do."

"yes, sir"

yeah, that's right they call me sir. It's because the mofo's are scared of me, as they should be. I hung up, grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. As predicted Sandy was in the kitchen with Robert (my father) cooking with a shaky hand

"Sandy" my voice ran around the room with an icy and intimidating feel.

"y-yes s-sir?"

"the fuck I say about stuttering?!"


"whatever, make me toast.. I'm off for school."

"yes sir..."

"also... I'll know if you poison it, so... don't even try."

she looked at me with a look that said "how the hell did he know?!"

I walked into the living room and propped my feet up (still wearing the messenger bag). After a couple minutes Sandy came out with a piece of toast and a napkin. I took the piece of toast and napkin, and cockily walked out the door.

The walk to school was fine, up until a group of pricks decided to bully some fuck up in the middle of the sidewalk I was walking on. sighing I tapped the leader on the shoulder. He just shrugged me off and said "can't you see I'm busy" annoyed with that answer, I did what any killer would do in this situation. I spun him around and put my knife to his neck with the most menacing glare I could muster (worse than Levi's!!) and said

"you're gonna gather your little posse, pick up the boy dust him off and walk away... understand?"

"y-yes sir..."

He called off his group of lackeys and they dusted the boy off and ran off with little girl screams, while I just laughed my ass off. After laughing I noticed the boy looking at me, with awe and wonder. Me just being me, put my knife away and walked around him to get to the school... which I was late now for. He just followed behind me like a lost puppy, until eventually I turned around to look at him. Again with a cold icy glare "what." he blushed and looked down at the apparently very interesting pair of shoes he was wearing I sighed "you better answer because I'm not repeating myself"

After a while of quiet he finally spoke

"Rouben Collin...."

"and why are you following me?"

"because we go to the same school..." he whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him

"we do?"

"yeah, and I got lost on that street so I asked a group of guys for directions and well I bet you can guess what happened after that..."


"OH LOOK HERE WE ARE, WELP I BETTER GO TO CLASS. SEE YA ROUND!" the nervousness in his voice made me uncautiously smirk, and him blush at my smirk. I walked into school with a confidant stride

"see you round, Rouben~"

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