Touch the Rainbow, Fuck the Rainbow.

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(A/n: above is a picture of the oh so adorably nerdy Rouben ;D)

Lunch was by far the weirdest shit I had ever experienced in my entire 16 years of my fucked up life. That kid that I 'saved' from those jackasses uh... what was his name again? Ribbon? Raven? Robin? Rouben? yeah, that was it! Rouben! The dip shit doesn't know what the fuck "stay away from me" means. Bitches wouldn't leave me alone before he came along, then he started to follow me and they left me alone so I guess that's one thing I should not-hate-him-as-much for that. He did make me chuckle though, he took of he jacket because he 'got hot' and his shirt said in big bold letters

"touch the rainbow,

fuck the rainbow".

Once I did chuckle though, he looked at me as though I had grown another head. I really didn't see the big deal, he saw me laugh after scaring dick-bag and his friends scared shitless. I'm kind of surprised... I mean usually people that meet me, never talk to me again after a simple "the fuck you want bitch?" guess he is different, I don't hate different....I found out we had first, second and lunch together, great. (note the sarcasm)

The walk home wasn't as quiet as usual with fuck-face following me, I noticed that dip-shit talks, a lot... and I mean a lot. He'll ask me a question, then not let me answer. Like now for instance

"have you ever seen a bird on a pig?"


"can you touch your nose with your tongue?"


"why do you curse so much"


the last question he asked me though, he let me answer.

"How do you feel about gays?"

the seriousness in his voice was surprising... it caught me off guard for a minute...


"how do you feel about gays?" by this time though he was blushing so hard it would put the literal color to shame, whispered the question and he was looking at the now interesting concrete. I sighed at kept walking while saying "If I had a problem with them, I would have murdered you a long time ago.." Rouben looked up at my walking figure with a surprised look. We almost past my house without me noticing it.... he was still standing there looking surprised I sighed again and said

"coming or not"

He snapped out of it and jogged up to me with a curious look, I opened the door to Sandy with some random dude on top of her, kissing like some wild animals. I dragged Rouben up to my room quiet yet quickly, pushed him in and said with such authority that he was basically forced to obey

"do not come out of this room, no matter what you hear, do not come out of this room. understand?" he nodded rapidly, most likely scared. I walked back downstairs and leaned on the staircase. They parted in their make out session for air, I took this beautiful time to say

"done whoring around yet?"

Sandy gasped and looked at me then pushed the strange guy off her.

"a-ah, S-sin... I-i s-see y-your h-home e-early..."


the strange man growled and put Sandy behind him in a protective manner, which made me laugh a laugh only a psycho would have. The man paled at my laugh, as I walked over to the doors and locked them (the windows were always locked, except for in my room). Slowly walking over to the man, Sandy screamed and ran into the small bedroom she has and locked it.

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