I'm drunk off dip-shits kisses...what the fuck?!

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Rouben ended up staying at my house again that night, but I wouldn't have thought about it all day if it wasn't important.

*flashback*  (warning: sexy make out session below <3)

Rouben laid down on the bed next to me


"yeah, Rouben?"

"why don't you kill me?"


he sat up quickly, making me look at him with emotionless eyes. Without missing a step, I grabbed my knife and pushed him back down on the bed putting my knife on his neck

"I could always kill you now, Rouben"

his eyes became cold and void, surprising me.

"then do it, stop putting me through this shit."

I put my knife down on my bed side table

"how about you Rouben? you could leave me alone, at any time. Yet your still here, in my bed, wearing my clothes, talking to me, why?"

he got a devilish glint in his eye, then he flipped us. He was now straddling me, while I was under him wondering how the fuck that happened. He slowly bent down, I could feel his breath on my lips. Not once did he look away from my eyes, and I didn't dare try to look away. Eventually he closed the space and our lips met. My eyes remained the emotionless void they always were, until he pulled back with a big blush

"I-I am s-sorry, I-I do-don't know what I was-"

I pulled him down and crashed our lips together, he gasped and I slipped my tongue in his mouth.I explored his mouth until we parted for air, leaving a trail of saliva between our mouths.

(End of scene)

he blushed and looked away, while I just chuckled. I put my arm around his waist and pulled him down on me, I wrapped my arm around him and smiled softly. His head was on my chest where my heart was, and his legs were on either side of me.

He blushed redder than a ripe tomato, making me chuckle

"go to sleep Rouben.."


*end of flashback*

Right now we were walking to school, not speaking, not doing anything involving each other except giving each other awkward glances every now and then. I sighed and stopped and looked at him, he stopped too and looked back at me.



"what. is. happening.?"

he blushed lightly and shrugged

"I don't know"

"well... I don't like this..."

he looked at me alarmed


"calm down, I only mean the way we're acting now"

His shoulders slumped and he nodded. I smiled slightly and continued to walk

"for now let's pretend that what happened last night didn't happen, okay?"

he frowned and nodded.


I was leaning against a tree, waiting for dip-shit to get out of the bathroom when a pair of bottle blonde bitches came over to me, giggling so high pitched that my ear drums almost popped.

One of them grabbed my bicep while the other ran a finger up and down my other arm. Now don't get me wrong, they used to do this all the time... but since dip-shit came along they left me alone, so I'm not as used to it anymore. 

"so, sin... You haven't been alone lately.."

"yeah, you're always with that fag, Rouben!"

their voiced made my head hurt

"are you gay to?"

"yeah, why are you always with him! is he your boyfriend or something?"

more headaches, lovely (note the sarcasm)

I'm sure you could see the annoyance on my face, but they still didn't get the fuck off me. The bathroom door opened and out walked Rouben with a smile on his face, which soon vanished as he saw the bottle blondes on my arms.

I silently called him over with my eyes, to which he complied by walking over.

(more make out sessions.... ha)

When he was in arm reach I shook one off and pulled him by the arm towards my face, roughly kissing him. The bottle blondes screamed and ran off with disgusted looks on their fake faces.

Rouben lifted his hand up, which was bandages for some reason, and ran it through my hair making me grunt. I pulled him closer by the neck, to which he responded by putting a knee in between my legs. He wrapped his arms around my neck (because he is shorter.. and is the uke *sly smile*) while I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

I nibbled on his bottom lip, asking permission. Which he denied, so I ran my finger up and down his back feather lightly making him gasp. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and explored the wet cavern of his mouth. 

(end of make out session)

A teacher came and separated us, telling us it was past time for last period.
He blushed and looked down, nodding. While I just glared at the teacher who was now checking Rouben out shamelessly. She looked at me, saw my face, paled and basically ran (as much as you CAN run in 7 inch stilettos) away from us. I slipped one arm around his waist and we walked to last period.


Rouben was walking in front me, looking at the concrete. After third period we decided we should go to his house for once. 

suddenly he turned around and pecked my lips

"sorry, I needed that..."

Without knowledge I murmured

"I think I'm drunk off your kisses, dip-shit..."

he looked at me weirdly for a moment before smirking and kissing me again. I wrapped my arms around his waist again, while he did the same to my neck.

'I'm drunk off dip-shits kisses...what the fuck?!' 

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