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(A/N: above is a picture of winter..he's cute. don't deny it ;D)

I shoved my hands in my pocket as I opened the door to the hospital. If it was anyone else, I would be laughing or not even here at all. But this is Rouben.

I walked past the receptionist, who was trying to give me a seductive smile. I walked down the hallway, looking around.

everything was white, and I mean everything...

white walls, white tile, white vase, white roses, random white couch, white waiting chairs... everything.

I opened the door to Roubens hospital room and scowled. There, sitting on one of the chairs, was my cousin; Winter.

I walked over and grabbed the punks ear. He yelped and turned around, becoming face to face with me. His face paled and he chuckled nervously "h-hey, Sin... what are you doing here...?"

I sighed and ran a hand down my face. I let go of his ear and stepped back, glaring

"I could ask you the same thing, Winter"

He paled "well you see..."

Rouben smiled "he's the guy who almost killed me, it's all good though!"

I smiled sadistically "you're a dead man, Winter" said boy paled and leaned away from me. Rouben laughed and waved off my behavior "come on! it's not like he actually killed me!" I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him

"but he-"

Rouben tapped my nose "don't act so ridiculously!"

I sighed and rested my head on his chest "you're too kind for your own good..."

He ran his fingers through my hair, smiling contently. Winter coughed awkwardly. I blinked and looked at him "you're still here?" he scoffed and Rouben chuckled.

I let go of Roubens waist and sat behind him, wrapping an arm around him once more. I zoned out thinking of all the ways to kill fucking Winter.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Rouben poked my cheek. I turned to look at him

"what's up?"

"Winter wants to speak with you, privately"

I groaned but got up anyway. I followed Winter out the room and down the hallway.

He stopped after we passed a couple doors. He turned to me with a cold expression

"does he know?"

"know what?"

"don't be a dumb ass, you know what I mean"

"yeah, he knows that I kill people... is that your question?"

He nodded and his blank expression turned into a smirk "you know..."

I kept my cold eyes

"Rouben is a cutie, even though I detest fags... It would be fun to play the part to break him"

I growled and pushed him to the wall by his neck, choking him. My cold eyes turned into flaming, angry ones

"touch him, and I literally will kill you, jackass!"

He smirked even though his face was staring to turn a light shade of purple

"what? it's not my fault if he suddenly falls in love with me!"

I pressed his throat harder "I will kill you, bastard"

A picture of Rouben, scared and terrified of me flashed through my mind. I let go of Winters neck and shoved my hands in my pockets, preventing me from punching him senseless.

He gasped for air and clutched his throat. He looked at me, scared "you really do love him, don't you?"

I said nothing, I only walked off back towards his room. I opened the door and cuddled Rouben from behind again. He giggled and turned around to kiss me. I kissed back but didn't try to deepen it, seeing that he was still in the hospital so in my books that means that he's still injured.

I pulled back after a couple of minutes, wrapping my arms around his waist again. He smiled and cuddled up to me again. I brought him to my chest and laid down.

After a couple of minutes of laying on me, he fell asleep. Winter walked by the window, looking in.
He stopped and mouthed 'I'll break him'

I growled a curse under my breath.

'he's not going to do anything to Rouben, he can kiss my ass!'

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