The Answer part 2

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Professor David Gale is one of the high-ranking at Tech Company.
His grandfather was the grandson of the founder of the Tech Company.
Professor Gale has Japanese blood from his great-grandfather.
The professor was also the person who developed levitation decades ago.

The professor has short, gray hair and wears modern-looking glasses.
He stands at a height of 5.6 feet, weighs about 70kg, and looks about 50 years old.
He wears an outfit similar to Mark's, but it is white and with a gold footwear.
On his chest, there is a gold ball-shaped logo surrounded by three gold rings, which turned out to be the logo of the Tech Company since it was in the middle of the room's floor.

"So, they're not from here? I can see it from their clothes though." said the professor.

"We haven't even formally introduced ourselves yet." Mark said.

"My name is Jonathan Mark. I'm from region G. I am one of the professor's students." Mark continued introducing himself.

"My name is Jun Kyosuke. I'm originally from Hiroshima." Jun introduced himself.

"My name is Yuki Hime. Yuki Hasegawa's daughter." Yuki introduced herself and said her father's name with some meaning.

"My name is Thiago Crux Rodriguez. I'm from Brooklyn. I'm the son of Carlos Rodriguez and Jessica Aquilani." Crux introduced himself

"Hiroshima? Yuki Hasegawa? I think I've heard that before." said the professor while remembering the name.

The professor looks for the name in the Tech Company database through his glasses.
It turns out that the glasses technology is able to access computer programs.
Professor Gale finds the name Yuki Hasegawa as the former Vice President of Tech Company.

"So, you're Mr. Yuki Hasegawa's daughter? It's surprising to see someone else successfully enter this dimension," said the professor.

"You know my father? What do you mean by this dimension?" asked Yuki, confused.

"It's a very long story. The bottom line is..."

"Please provide a detailed explanation, professor. I beg you," Yuki interrupted the professor and bowed down to him.

"No doubt, you are indeed his daughter," the professor said while he looked at Yuki's earring.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything," the professor continued.

"This is also a story that shouldn't be known by anyone except members of The Royal Family," the professor warned about the confidentiality of the story he was about to tell them.

The professor began to tell the story with the help of a hologram projection from the logo on his chest.

The professor explained that the first time this dimension was discovered was because of an extraterrestrial object that exploded in the Earth's atmosphere thousands of years ago, causing the extinction of some living species at the time.
The explosion was believed to have come from a dead or hydrogen-depleted star.
The explosion was called a 'supernova'."

The explosion created a black hole in the sky of Earth and the gravity from the black hole pulled all living creatures beneath it into this dimension, which they called the quantum dimension.

"Oh, so that's the answer why the dinosaurs are still around here," Jun said, finally getting an answer.

"So the bomb explosion made us pulled into this dimension?" asked Crux.

"It's possible that it was not a typical explosion. Certain elements are needed to create a black hole between dimensions," answered the professor.

"If the explosion we experienced was similar to a supernova, then Japan and its surroundings..." Yuki said that and she was sad to hear that.

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