The Power

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"I thought I could hear people's thoughts when they looked at me," Jun whispered to Crux and Yuki.

"That's an impolite ability," Crux replied.

"I know, and I apologize for reading your thoughts earlier, Crux," Jun replied.

"Even your previous opinion came from my thoughts," Crux replied with annoyance.

"Yeah, you're not the only one with ability after the explosion Yuki," Jun said, staring at Yuki and hearing her thoughts.

"By the way, you never thought about your own ability, Crux. So what you can do?" Jun continued, asking Crux.

"I'm not sure because I can't control it," Crux replied, tapping his index fingers together.

"Ohh, you can penetrate objects? That's really cool, Crux," Jun said, staring at Crux and hearing his thoughts.

"I'm not sure if it's penetrating objects, but it does look like it," Crux replied, trying to explain his confusion."

"I think we need to train him, Crux. Maybe this ability will be useful someday," Jun expressed his opinion.

"But we don't have a place to train him, not to mention Yuki's ability," Crux replied.

"In your opinion, do we need to talk about this ability to them?" Yuki asked while looking towards Professor Gale and Mark.

"Professor Gale didn't talk about your father's ability at all, Yuki. I think your father and his friend don't have ability like us," Crux stated.

"No, Crux, because earlier we didn't ask the professor about this ability," Jun answered while walking towards Professor Gale and Mark.

Crux and Yuki also followed Jun and seemed to agree to ask them about the ability to the professor.
Professor Gale seemed to be discussing something with Mark.
Jun tried to find out what they were talking about with his ability.

"Hey Mark, do you have any ideas right now?" Jun asked Mark while looking into his eyes.

"Ideas for what?" Mark asked back, returning Jun's gaze.

"Ideas on how we can stay here temporarily," Jun replied.

"Oh, I think you can stay with Professor Gale temporarily. Right, Professor?" Mark pleaded with the professor.

"Not with me, but at my villa," Professor Gale replied.

"Thank you, Professor. That's very helpful for us," Crux said while bowing down.

"On the condition that you will be closely monitored," Professor Gale said with a serious expression.

"Can we attend your classes, Professor?" Yuki asked.

"Of course, I will make a class schedule for you to follow so that you can find a way home," Professor Gale replied.

Jun and Crux seemed hesitant to talk about their powers to the professor.
They didn't know how to start the conversation.
Because Yuki was very curious about what her father was doing here, she dared to start the conversation about her powers.

"First of all, I want to apologize, professor, for disrupting the atmosphere here," Yuki said politely.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Besides, you're Mr. Hasegawa's daughter," the professor replied.

"But that's not what I meant, professor," said Yuki, while she lowered her head.

"What do you mean, Yuki?" the professor asked.

"I mean the cold atmosphere here," Yuki said, gently touching Professor Gale's hand.

"Oh, are you feeling unwell? You're so cold. I'm sorry if the air conditioner is broken," said the professor, thinking Yuki was sick.

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