The Small Talk

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Morning, Saturday, 8:45 AM.

Exactly one day after they were thrown into the quantum dimension from the roof of Shima Hospital through a black hole created by a bomb explosion that was large enough to destroy 1 country, and could even make the climate on half the earth abnormal.

They might find a clue that might make them not the only people from their original dimension who were thrown into this quantum dimension after hearing a story from Elizabeth Gale whom they used to call Lizzie.

The story of a restaurant employee who suddenly disappeared and returned 3 days later after bringing a pregnant woman who suddenly appeared near the restaurant where he worked.

They think maybe the pregnant woman is just like them who was suddenly thrown into this quantum dimension.
The pregnant woman might be Yuki's mother who was at Shima Hospital at the time.
They didn't know for sure the real answer.
So they decided to look for the pregnant woman today.

They waited for Lizzie's father's skyscape or what they knew as Professor David Gale to arrive at the villa where they lived for a while.
They plan to look for a pregnant woman who is thought to be Yuki's mother at a hospital near Lizzie's mother's restaurant with the help of skyscape.

"What time does the professor usually get here?" asked Yuki, who was pacing in front of the villa gate.

"Usually we always go together when we want to take a vacation to the villa. it's just that this time my father is very busy," replied Lizzie who was near Yuki, Crux, and Jun.

"What time do you usually arrive?" asked Crux to Lizzie about the Gale family's habit of arriving at the villa.

"Since we're on vacation, we usually don't go straight to the villa. I think now, it's just like that too. they must have shopped for groceries first and bought a new released movie to watch together." Lizzie replied while remembering what they used to do together while on vacation at the villa.

"Ohh, of course. this is the family vacation, Crux. It's not a mission to save the world. of course, they will relax after their busy schedule lately." said Jun who had heard Lizzie's thoughts.

"Sorry, earlier I contacted my father just to ask permission to use his skyscape for today. I didn't say that we wanted to go to find out about the possibility of your mother who might be thrown into this dimension too," said Lizzie apologetically.

"It's not your fault Lizzie. it's just that we are too impatient to find out the truth," said Jun while turning around and entering the villa.

"What Jun said has a point, Yuki, maybe we disturbed their family vacation. we have to be more patient because we are just hitchhiking here," said Crux trying to calm Yuki.

"I totally understand how badly you want to see your mom. but you also have to know that this is not our world Yuki. we should be a little patient and wait for the professor inside. You haven't even had breakfast yet right?". said Crux to Yuki who was eager to meet the pregnant woman who was presumed to be her mother.

"Alright Crux, this time you cook for me huh?" said Yuki asking Crux to make her breakfast.

"Are you sure you want to eat my cooking?" asked Crux to Yuki.

"Hmm just cook instant noodles for me," said Yuki a little doubt about Crux's cooking.

"Alright, let's go in." invited Crux while walking into the villa.

"I'm sorry Lizzie for bothering your family," said Yuki apologizing to Lizzie.

"No, really, I'm very happy that this vacation is finally not just the three of us," said Lizzie.

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