The Gale's Villa

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When they arrived at the villa, they were greeted by a beautiful woman in front of the villa gate, who turned out to be the daughter of Professor Gale who was on vacation. 

Her name is Elizabeth Gale, She has white skin like her father.
She had a beautiful oval-shaped face, a pointed nose, blue eyes, and thin pink lips.
Her eyebrows were not very thick and her eyelashes were not very curly.
She has straight blonde hair that is wavy at the ends.
She was about 5.4 feet tall and weighed around 50kg.
She was wearing an outfit similar to Yuki's and seemed like a friendly person.

As Crux, Jun, and Yuki stepped out of Skyscape, the air around the villa felt cool.
There were many palm trees and coconut trees around the villa, as it was located near the beach.
The villa gate was quite large, made of iron, and looked like the gate of a palace.
The white gate turned out to have an automatic sliding open system.

"Hello, welcome to the Gale's family villa. I hope you will be comfortable staying here," said Professor Gale's daughter, who welcomed Crux, Jun, and Yuki.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Elizabeth Gale, but you can call me Lizzie. I will be your guide while you are staying at the villa," Lizzie continued to explain her presence.

"Hei Lizzie, I'm Jun Kyosuke. People call me Jun. Nice to meet you, Lizzie. Thank you for being willing to help us during your holiday." Jun said, extending his right hand to shake Lizzie's hand.

"Hello Jun, I'm also glad to meet you all. Finally, I won't be alone in this villa during my holiday." Lizzie replied, shaking Jun's hand.

"Hi Lizzie, my name is Yuki Hime. Thank you for accepting us at the villa during your holiday," Yuki said, waving her right hand slightly.

"Hi Yuki, your name and face are equally beautiful. I'm glad you're here. so, I won't sleep alone," Lizzie answered with a smile.

Hi Lizzie, I'm Crux. Nice to meet you," Crux introduced himself as he waved his right hand.

"Hi Crux, I'm also glad to meet you," Lizzie replied with a smile.

"Lizzie, please take care of them. I have to go back to your father's lab. He needs my help there so that he can finish it quickly," Willy said as he hurried to Skyscape.

"Just leave it to me, Big Will," Lizzie replied, waving her hand to Willy.

"Let's go inside. I'll guide you around the villa," Lizzie continued, inviting them all to tour the villa.

Lizzie walked through the front yard of the villa followed by Crux, Jun, and Yuki.
The villa's front yard was filled with green grass with a cobblestone path leading to the house.
The villa's front yard also had many unique and diverse flowering plants.
They walked along the cobblestone path to the large house.
After reaching the front of the house, Lizzie stopped walking and asked her guests.

"Do you want to tour the yard first or the house first?" Lizzie asked her guests.

"Your father said we could practice in this villa. Is there a place for training here?" Crux asked.

"Oh, yes, there is. There's a spacious yard for training," Lizzie replied.

"What kind of training do you want to do?" Lizzie asked curiously.

"We just received some kind of dormant ability within us," Jun replied, a little hesitantly.

"What kind of ability?" Lizzie asked, looking at Jun with a curious gaze.

"Ummm, the ability to..." Jun seemed hesitant to tell Lizzie about his ability.

"Something like being able to make the air cold," Crux interrupted Jun's sentence.

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