The Mind Problems

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"Are you talking about making a time machine, Yuki?" Crux asked after hearing Yuki wanting to go back to the time before the bomb incident and save people.

Yuki just remained silent and sat on the fine beach sand.
Lizzie sat with Yuki and hugged her.
Jun, knowing what was on Yuki's mind, informed Crux about what Yuki was thinking.

"Sorry, Jun, it turned out into a bad idea," Crux apologized to Jun.

"It's not your fault, Crux. It's just that the atmosphere here is more suitable for relaxing for now," Jun said, trying to stay positive.

"Alright, let's just relax here for a while. Enjoy our miraculous escape from a huge bomb that fell right in front of us," Crux said, lying on the beach sand and enjoying the sunset.

They all just sat there, enjoying the sunset in this new quantum dimension they had just discovered.
Lost in a world they didn't know, and luckily there were kind people who helped them find temporary places to stay.
Even the professor had scheduled study classes to help them learn how to find their way back home.

The sky started to darken, the air temperature dropped, and the sea level started to rise.
The people on the beach slowly started to leave until only they were left.
Lizzie stood up and walked towards Crux, who was still lying on the beach sand.

"Hey Crux, I can't talk over Yuki to go home. She's been ignoring me since earlier," Lizzie said to Crux.

"Did you say something bad that made her not talk to you?" Crux asked.

"There's no way I would do that to Yuki," Lizzie answered, a little worried about Yuki.

"Maybe she just needs time to let go of everything in her mind. This is all too difficult for her to accept, Lizzie," Crux said, trying to calm Lizzie a little.

Lizzie couldn't speak and lay down next to Crux.
The two of them now stared at the darkening sky.
Then Lizzie looked at Crux and asked,

"Is all of this too difficult for you too, Crux?" asked Lizzie to Crux softly.

"I'm sure Jun also finds it difficult to accept this and try to stay positive until now. But he is a very strong person mentally and emotionally, so he can get through all of this," Crux said, holding back his emotions a little.

"I'm not asking about Jun, Crux. I'm asking about you. Is this all too difficult for you?" Lizzie asked Crux again.

"Jun doesn't even look scared or panicked at all when he found out he could hear someone's thoughts," Crux continued, comparing Jun to himself.

"Crux..." Lizzie held Crux's hand and tried to calm him.

"Ah, forgive me, Lizzie," Crux apologized to Lizzie and seemed a little calmer now.

"If you're asking about me, I really can't bear to see my best friend go through something this difficult. And the worst is, I can't do anything about it," Crux continued.

"They both have been so kind to me. They've become like family to me," Crux continued pouring out his heart.

"And if you're asking me if this is difficult for me, it's clearly very difficult for me. But they are both much more difficult than my condition," Crux continued telling his story.

"My family is far from the location of the explosion, so I don't have to worry about them. But Jun and Yuki, their families are all around the location of the explosion. It's understandable that they are both very affected by the incident," Crux's eyes looked teary.

Then they fell silent for a moment, feeling the breeze on the beach sand.
The sound of the waves was getting closer to them.
The lights around them started to light up.
There were even many small lights floating in the middle of the sea.

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