The Royal Family

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The next day, Crux and Jun persuaded Yuki to train her abilities.
This training was intended to help Yuki control her abilities. Yuki agreed to train and accepted Crux and Jun's invitation.

The three of them went to the training location that Lizzie had told them about the day before. However, they forgot the way and had to return to the villa to ask Lizzie to take them to their training location.

When they arrived at the villa, they saw Lizzie relaxing on the sofa while watching TV in the living room. Lizzie responded to their arrival.

"Hey, where have you been? Come watch my favorite afternoon drama with me," Lizzie invited them to watch TV together.

"Uh, we were planning to go to the training location, but we forgot the way there," Crux replied.

"Oh, why didn't you ask me to take you? Let me take you there," Lizzie said, getting up from the sofa.

"AI, turn off the TV and activate the security system when we leave," Lizzie shouted a little inside the house.

After that, the TV turned off by itself. Crux, Jun, and Yuki were slightly surprised by the technology in the house.

"You can communicate with the TV?" Jun asked Lizzie.

"Not the TV, but the AI system in this house," Lizzie replied.

"AI? What is AI?" Jun asked, not knowing what AI was.

"AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It's a type of artificial intelligence designed to make our activities easier and help us," Lizzie explained what AI is.

"Like a robot?" Jun continued to ask.

"Yes, but AI lives within a program," Lizzie replied.

"Even your outfits have an AI system. My father didn't tell you about that?" Lizzie asked.

"No, the Professor seemed in a hurry to do something else at the time," Crux replied.

"Typical dad. I'll help teach you how to use the AI in your outfits. We should go to the training location first. Let's go there," Lizzie said, rushing out of the house.

After they left the house, the house window suddenly closed by itself and the door also locked by itself. They walked together towards the training place.

On the way, Crux thought about a training method for Yuki.
He thought that since Yuki was the only one who couldn't control her abilities, it would be easier to focus on training her to control her powers.
Crux also remembered that they were very close to the beach. He thought that training at the beach would be better for Yuki.

"Wait, Lizzie, I think we should just go to the beach," said Crux, changing his training plan.

"You said you wanted to help me train before, why suddenly you want to go to the beach right now?" Yuki asked a little annoyed.

"Relax Yuki, We go to the beach for your better training." Crux replied.

Jun, who had read Crux's mind, seemed to agree with Crux's idea.
Jun approached Yuki and looked into her eyes. Then Jun said, 

"Crux has a good training idea, Yuki, we should follow his idea." said Jun to convince Yuki.

Yuki tried to believe in their plan.
Jun knew Yuki was very eager to control her abilities.
Yuki also didn't want her abilities to cause trouble for the people around her.

"Are you sure you want to train at the beach?" Lizzie asked.

"Yes, let's go to the beach," Jun replied confidently.

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