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This is chapter two, I hope you like it again there are no warning for they are just 11 years old what is going to happen(your going to hate me)
This book will not exactly follow the lore of the marauders. So... enjoy.

"I didn't come here to make friends
We were born to be suburban legends
When you hold me, it holds me together"
Suburban legends-Taylor swift

It had been a week, no atlas still had an emotionless face expression, he was patiently waiting for a howler from his parents but it never came, he would guess that they just didn't want to talk to him. He had no knowledge about what Neil was doing as his older brother in a way shut him out and didn't talk to him yet most likely because he got sorted into Gryffindor and Slytherins never talk to Gryffindors.
Atlas has been sticking to Cordelia like a magnet, ever since she whispered to him at the sorting, he liked her fire guts. She was brave just the perfect  Gryffindor. A part of him loathed her for that. He wished he never got into Gryffindor.
He mostly spends his time reading and talking with Cordelia and his little sister Lauren who was sorted into Hufflepuff also not the house that either them wanted.
"God I hate potions" Cordelia's loud voice broke Atlas out of his trance, He gave his friend a confused look, he clearly tempered her saying the day before that potions was her favorite subject
"I thought you loved potions" his quiet voice said and only Cordelia could hear
"Yeah, that was until his greasy boy, I think his name was Severus Snape stole my spot light in class, what a twat" hearing Cordelia rent about different people always help Atlas's mood more, sometimes it almost makes him smile which is not something he does often.
Loud yells and laughs interrupted Cordelia, it was a group of boys the same boys who sat in the compartment next to Atlas and his sibling the day. He never got their names except Sirius black but he knew the black boy before even going to. The other boy who before had caught Atlas's attention was also there but more loud then the rest. Who was he. The group of boys went up to them. Atlas was confused for they had not spoken ever in their life. The boy who fascinated atlas was the one speaking
"You must be Atlas Carval, I'm James, James potter" the boy with the glasses had a giant smirk on his face that made Atlas wonder how could an 11 year old smile that big. Atlas made sure to check his surroundings to make sure this wasn't one of their pranks, for 1st year they'd sure were pranksters
Atlas let out a little hum answering James's question
"I'm Cordelia, now that we got that out of the way, why are you goons here" she made herself loud and clear to draw attention to herself which Atlas was thankful for.
Sirius smiled at Cordelia, clearly liking her guts, and bravery that was shown
"Well we just wanted to say hi. As we are all first years" Sirius had a mysterious smirk on his face that could been seen for a mile, while Atlas still focused on James potter.
"Well you just said hi so you can leave now" Cordelia had no patience to play this stupid game with these boy who she didn't even know the name of.
"Well no need to be rude, we'll take our leave now. I'll see both of you around right James" Sirius broke James out of his thoughts, what could he possibly have been thinking.
"Yea" the group of boys left and Cordelia started to laugh as Atlas gave a very quick smile at her. Which only made Cordelia smile and laugh even more. She had always been a happy soul he could tell. I part of him knew he would make sure no one hurts her.


The day had been long and tiring day for the first years. And Atlas decided to spend his last few hours awake in the library with a good book. He was sitting at a table reading alive in wonderland, that had been one of his favorite books his mom have it to him in secret for he knew that his father would be raging if he found out his son was reading a childish book. The library was quiet and that the pleases him very much.
A tall boy walked up to him he looked a little shy, he was one of James friends Atlas remembered, why did he need to talk to him for
"Can I help you"atlas looked up from the book to see the talk boy fiddling with his hands in a nervous way
"Well I forgot to take the notes in potion and I saw you taking them, so I thought I could ask you if I could borrow them" Atlas gave the shy boy a soft expression and handed him the notes from potions
"I'm Remus lupin" the boy smiled at Atlas yet Atlas kept a cold expression on his face
"I'm Atlas Carval But you already know that don't you" Remus nodded and left the boy to himself. Remus seemed like a nice boy, Atlas wouldn't mind spending time with him.
The quietness quickly ended when Cordelia came in, and sat beside her friend
"Atlas du you have the notes from potions I kinda burned them" Cordelia gave Atlas puppy eyes and begged.
"I apologize Cordelia but I gave my notes to Remus lupin before you even got here" Cordelia was official shocked, never would se had expected Atlas to talk to one of James friends. Cordelia smacked a hand on Atlas's forehead to check if he was sick
"you up did what, why" she gave him wide eyes
"He was being polite and didn't get the notes in class and just asked for them" atlas smacked her hand away from his face, she had a shocked expression on and looked around for anyone who wasn't supposed to be there
"Do you get enough sleep" she asks, making Atlas smile a little,
"I swear nothings wrong Conney" Conney was a nickname for Cordelia which has been used a few times the first week. Cordelia let go and slumped back into her chair, and sighed in disbelief.
"It's getting late, I don't need to be taken points from, not in the first week" Cordelia stood up and walked out as Atlas hurried after her in full speed.

Woooo chapter Two, I love Atlas and conney, we finally met the marauders. I hope this chapter pleases.

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