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Hello again and here is a new chapter to feed you all, I hope you enjoy.
Warning: emotional abuse(sorry) and that's it thankfully
I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it

"You must be insecure,
you must be so unhappy
And I know in my heart,
hurt people,
Hurt people and we both drew blood,
But, man, those cuts were never equal"
The grudge-Olivia Rodrigo

One month was gone, everything went by so fast at Hogwarts, it was September 30th. At that time and in a month it would be Halloween, it may be early to be excited for halloween, or thats what Atlas thought but according to His friend Cordelia lively, it was the perfect time to get into Halloween mood. So thought the marauders as the group of boys now had called themselves, Atlas thought it was a hideous name to call a friend group, but he was not in their business to tell them what to name their friend group and Atlas honestly couldn't care less. He still haven't received a Howler from his parents and Neil still refused to talk to him under any circumstances, Lauren through could do anything but stick to her brothers side every since the Marauders had done a prank on her by putting a toad in her shoe.
Lauren had been convinced that if she stayed close to Atlas no one would hurt her and in a way that was true. As revenge for his sister he made James glasses covered in pink paint it took a week to get fully off. When he told Cordelia it she couldn't stop laughing so loudly at it. She swore that she would kill Atlas if he did it again without her, which he gladly didn't want to test.
The students had their first potions test to day and of course Cordelia was pacing the Atlas's shared room in stress that she might have done something wrong and failed even through she knew that slughorn in a way favored her so much
"Okay, conney you are going to stop stressing around it's stressing me" Marlene said, Marlene McKinnon had become close to Atlas and Cordelia, in a way after she saw Atlas pranking the marauders.
"Mar I don't think you can stop her she's being going on like this for the last hour or so" replied Atlas not looking up from his book he was reading withering heights. Also one of the books his mother had given to him in secret. Marlene to his book and smacked him in the head, making atlas groan in pain from the hit.
"God, Carval try caring for your friend more" Marlene sat herself down again and Atlas send an apologetic glance over at Cordelia who seemed to have calmed down a bit and sat herself on the floor.
"Conney I'm not going to lie but you are an amazing student you literally have nothing to worry about, try worrying about transfiguration, for that your going to absolutely fail in if you don't try" now it was Cordelia's turn to hit Atlas with a book. She sighed and plopped down on the boys bed in frustration
"How could they already make us do test we've only been here for a month, this is cruel" she put her head on Marlene's lap and smacked her feet on Atlas's lap, making Atlas jump from the sudden weight from the girls legs.
"So my dear lovely friend Atlas Carval would you mind helping me with transfiguration"Atlas had seen it come from the moment he mentioned it, he only gave a small nodded but that was enough for Cordelia to jump up from her laying position and hug the young boy tightly and scream thank you over and over again.


It came, the one thing that Ayla shad been waiting for a month had arrived, the howler from his parents. In a way he was terrified but also in a way he already knew what was in it.
Atlas had made sure he was alone to do this, the red envelope it was like it stared at him and his soul.
I hated that he had to do this.
The loud yell from his father was clear

" you know Atlas Carval, I'm so disappointed in you, how could you put our family through this embarrassment and shame, you have caused so much stress, now it's up to us to fix your reputation like always, you useless child. Me and your mother did not raise you only to fail us at 11, you understand. Just be thankful your brother had talked me out of hurting you or your dead beat little sister, and don't worry she got her howler to, Be thankful I'm forgiving. And be thankful you brilliantly brother saved you this time you ungrateful child" 

He hated his father by his whole heart, there was one single tear down Atlas face only one. He knew this could have been much worse, if Neil hadn't stepped in, but why do that after ignoring him for over a month. A small knock on the door broke him out of his thoughts the howler had already disintegrated into thin air, so he didn't need to hide them.
"Yeah come in" Remus opened the door a little and poked his head inside, with a small smile
"Um your brother wants to talk he's outside the common room" Atlas quickly left with out a word eager to talk to his brother. He reached the door to outside the common room, for one moment he paused and just stood there debating on if he actually should go out.
He did...
"Why are you here"it was clear that it was an act for they both knew that Atlas missed his brother more then anything. Neil only looked down in shame.
"I'm so deeply sorry, Atlas" Neil looked at Atlas with teary eyes but the only thing the 11 year old boy felt was biting anger
"I don't care if your sorry I want to know why you've shut me completely out of your life" if was venom laced words which was shocking coming from a child, but that's as the way Atlas always spoke to someone who have hurt him or someone he cares about. The older Carval boy moved a little closer to Atlas, but to his shock Atlas only moved away from Neil. A flash of regret was shown on Neil's face.
"Dad told me not to talk to you until you got your howler" Atlas stared at Him in disbelief, he knew this whole time what was in it.
"And you followed his orders" Atlas voice become more soft and sad by the minute, a part of him wished he hadn't walked out of the Gryffindor common room, that he had just stayed inside with his friends. Atlas laughed a little but still had a tears in his eyes threatening to spill on his face.
"You know what dads like, I really didn't need to give him a reason to be mad at me" Neil tried to explain what why. But Atlas didn't care, he was just an 11 year old boy who was clouded by rage.
"And you did think I need you, you don't think Lauren your little sister needed you!" Atlas was now yelling making Neil flinch a little at his younger brothers rage, he had never intended to hurt any of his sibling but he guessed this was the price he had to pay for being the perfect son.
"You're right I shouldn't have ignored you, so I'll just take my leave now".
Both the boys spend the rest of the night crying silently in their bed like how they did at home when something bad would happen, but what Atlas didn't know was that someone had heard the whole conversation with Neil...

Chapter three bitches, I'm really on a roll, I hoped you enjoyed and got some more Cordelia and Atlas but also some Marlene.
And to finish it was Neil and Atlas, next chapter you might get more of little baby girl Lauren. And of course the great Cordelia- Amy

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