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Hello it's me and chapter ten I hope you enjoy there not really any warnings in this chapter yay

"They told me all of my cages were mental
So I got wasted like all my potential
And my words shot to kill
When I'm mad
I had a lot of regrets about that
I was so ahead of the curve,
The curve became a sphere
Fell behind on all my classmates and I ended up here
Pouring out my heart to a stranger
But I didn't pour the whiskey
I just wanted you to know this is me trying"
This is me trying-Taylor swift

The days at the mansion was dark and gloomy, and in other words just uncomfortable to be in.
The Last few days had been spent up in the rooms of the Carval siblings none of them ever got out unless told to, which created a sense of isolation.
The children had been told that they were to go to their aunts funeral or there would be severe consequences, of course that was enough to send the kids into a state of fear and tried to find their most vulnerable clothing to wear to the funeral. They were to met with Their cousin in a few minutes.
The sky was gloomy, it was Christmas Eve today.
Atlas thought it was weird to hold a funeral on Christmas, it would in a way ruin the atmosphere of cheer, by holding a funeral on the happiest day of the year.
The only positive thing about it was that that the black family was also going to the funeral and that at least Atlas could talk to Sirius or regulus in that matter, not that the Carval boy was close to any of them but it could be worse.
The loud footsteps were to be heard and all the children knew it was their father by the heaviness and strength in the walk he had, atlas had owned that walk from his father, which he held a large amount of shame in how much he resembled his father. He saw the shame in his mother's eyes that he held the resemblance of his father, it was like a heavy weight that would never leave.
"I see your all dressed, very well" his words were not kind but not filled with anger just monotone, it made the children ease up and tense down a little.
Their father had headed for the kitchen most likely for whisky or some sort of alcoholic beverage.
What the kids hadn't expect was that he would return to sit in front of them on the couch.
The sat with a cold face, he sat more comfortable then he normally would, he's legs a little spread and his jacket a little open.
The Carval siblings knew that it meant he was a stressed out about the funeral. They had stayed quiet until their father talked.
"I expect you all to be in your best behavior" their father made no eye contact with them.
" I expect you to respect the families, the blacks, the rosiers" Atas was the only one who nodded making his father pleased at the action.
"I didn't think the rosiers would be showing" both Lauren and Atlas was shocked at hearing Neil talk to their father back normally their conversation would end with a nod, that didn't seem like the situation at this moment.
"They are, and I expect you to have a better attitude" the venom in their father's words had made Neil hold his tongue from answering back at his father. Neil nodded at his father making the other breath calmly in worry for their brother safely.
The silence was kept until the tower bell rang twelve, it was time to go to the funeral.
Their mother Elizabeth came inside the room with a little bag of floo powder, it had been a long time since the family Carval had traveled with Floo powder.
The large fire place in the lounge was never used to fire, the only need for it was to travel with flop powder now the last time atlas used floo powder he ended up in the wrong place, got quite the full Charles Carval experience, ever since that he hadn't used Floo powder.
Atlas saw his father call Neil over to him, which made the young boys heart bump fast.
"Now remember your going to it uncle Jospeh's house, if you go anywhere else there will be punishment, now do you get what I'm saying" the kids nodded at their fathers words as Neil was the first one to disappear into the green powder.
Next it was Atlas, for a few moments he debated on going to Hogwarts instead it wasn't until he saw the unpleasant look on his father for taking to long that the whispered the right location and was now in the middle of a find lounge with all purebloods, he felt a lump in his throat as he looked around nervous trying to find eye contact with anyone he actually knew until he saw Sirius, normally when he sees Sirius he would be unhappy, unpleased at the sight but in this scenario He could be more thankful to be seen with  someone he for once knew.
It seemed that Sirius had the same idea as atlas and hurried in a polite way over to the Carval boy.
"I'm sorry for your aunt" it seemed that Sirius was really bad at starting a polite conversation.
"Don't be, I barely knew her" Atlas confessed to the raven haired boy beside him, who looked a little more relieved to see that neither Atlas wanted to have that conversation.
"I don't think any one of us does" Atlas gave a little smile at how correct Sirius was in that fact.
There was this comforting silence between the boys like in a wag they understood what they were both going through at this time.
"Do you ever miss it?" Atlas didn't really know what this IT was for Sirius.
"What?" He turned to look at the black boy who was shocked to see that Atlas didn't know what he was talking about.
"Hogwarts of course what else would you be missing" Sirius kept his voice down not to draw attention to the boys.
"Of course I do more then anything" Atlas's expression turned sad and downwards, the heard the sounds of people talking low around themselves like every word could be used against them and a part of him wished that he was hearing the pouts laughter if the students at Hogwarts even if it usually hurts his ears, he mostly missed the loud Aura of Cordelia lively his best friend, he would give anything to be home.

Yuppi a new chapter I hope your all doing great I'm not kidding this chapter took almost a month to make of course if will be posted big so soon after so you'll not really get how long this took for I gave probably drafted is until I have enough chapters to keep me going but chapter 10 holy shit also I do t know if I've have posted Making y her e Henry I hope do for that's also one of my good story's it's a OUAT fanfic yeah and why would I be into OUAT in 2023-2024 yeah it's crazy but it is one of my favorite series so I hope you check it out, also let's appreciate the Sirius and Atlas boding in this book also I miss Cordelia got she is the best also James cause I need some iv the bonding between Atlas and James.
Sorry if I wrote to much if this of course you don't have to read all of it it's your choice I hope you do cause I'm telling you next chapter Atlas is going home to Hogwarts yay
Bye love Amy

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