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Bullying of some sort, and juts really rude(bellatrix)
So im doing something different for this chapter so the perspective is from Cordelia yay, just so you don't get confused.
That all have a good one.

"Your starting to look
Really weird oh yeah
Your face is out of place
And I can't make you out
And I forget just what you said
Yeah, it's not clear it was about fear
And getting out of here"
Race-Alex g

For the first time in the last half year at Hogwarts Cordelia knew something bad was going to happen,
She normally would be happy and energetic for the day but this day she felt as something was off.
She could see it in the face of her best friend Atlas, she could even see it on the marauders which she normally never payed any attention to.
She felt her hands sweaty and her pulse going in and out of a fast pace.
Was she slowly going insane was this some prank from the marauders or was it something else.
Her brain was filled with different questions which she was scared to ask.
She spent her day with Atlas who seemed more his normal self then herself, he did what he normal does, go around following Cordelia like a lost puppy, Atlas had asked her earlier that day of something was wrong and why she was so quiet, she brushed it off and told him it was nothing and tried to act like she normally would.
The feeling that she kept was proved to be true when she left Atlas alone for one minute and the next she saw him was cornered by so older Slytherins, one she recognized as Bellatrix black the oldest of the black sister, Bellatrix whenever she got the change would Call Cordelia a mudblood, Cordelia would brush it off and keep a strong facade and when alone would let herself cry over it.
Cordelia wondered what the black girl was doing to the Carval boy, The lively girl hid behind a wall but close enough for her to hear what the conversation was about.
"Well, Well if it isn't the blood traitor" Cordelia could see the panicked face on Atlas like a mouse in a trap.
"What do you want black" Atlas tried to be brave put anyone could see the scared face he held.
"You should watch your tongue Carval, you might get it cut off" the group had walked closer to their boy leaving Cordelia panicked on what she should do.
"And you should watch yours, we both know which family is more superior" a loud slap was heard from Bellatrix and a small cry from Atlas as he held his burning cheek from the slap, Cordelia had collapsed a hand over her mouth to stop the loud gasp that escaped her mouth.
"Yeah run your mouth again and the superior family will lose a son! Let's go" Bellatrix and her so called friends left Atlas to his own despair, Cordelia could see a small tear run down the boys face, She had never seen atlas cry before it had came as a shock to her. She quickly ran out to atlas who looked shocked to see her here and quickly wiped his tears away and put a cold face on.
"Are you okay?" Atlas pushed forward away from the girl, She had never seen him so cold in reaction.
"Atlas wait!" She quickly ran in front of the 11 year old.
"Leave Cordelia, I don't know what you think your doing here but stay out of it" Cordelia was more then shocked at the boy words, Atlas had never spoken to her in this way before.
"What wrong, why are you talking like that, if it about what Bellatrix said you really should listen to her" Atlas rolled his eyes at the Lively girl leaving her sad.
"Gosh what don't you understand about leaving me alone you mudblood" a grasp was heard and a small sniff from the Lively girl was heard, Normally Cordelia would care to much if you called her a mudblood but when it was her best friend or so she thought it had scared her heart, she heard a gasp from behind her to it was Neil Carval, Atlas's brother
He looked with disappointment on his face, the last she had seen Neil was about a week ago when Atlas dragged her to say happy birthday to him.
Atlas walked almost ran to his room.
"I'll talk to him" Neil passed by the lively girl who still was crying on the placement she stood.

(Changed back to Atlas perspective)

Atlas felt his pulse going fast after almost running back to his room, he had tears streaming down his face, he regretted saying what he said to Cordelia knowing it would hurt her more then he wanted too.
As soon as the boy was fully in his room he broke down in tears, how could he be so cruel to the person he called best friend.
Before he could react his brother had strummed into the room furious.
"What the hell is wrong with you Atlas!" Neil's shouts made atlas's heart break even more.
"How did you get in here" his voice had become small and fragile but that didn't stop Neil.
"Are you completely mental, calling the girl that. What are you trying to act like a rude pure blood?" Atlas was shaking his head no.
"Well it seems that what you're acting like" The words could get out of his mouth like he was stuck.
"I didn't mean to" Atlas had avoided eye contract with his older brother.
"You know who you remind me of, Atlas. Father"the word had been expected but yet still hurt like hell, it was what he deserved after calling Cordelia what he did. Neil walked closer to Atlas in a threatening way and whispered in his ear.
"Get control of your anger Atlas, you look like father" that was the last words before Neil left Atlas in tears he started sobbing loudly not caring if he could get heard.
The worst part was that everything Neil said was only the truth, the more atlas was angry the more he started to turn into his father.

I'm going to be honest, I shed a tear or two making this chapter, it was so dramatic but I do, do theater so what could you expect from me, also let's have a hate club for Bellatrix in this book, yes I've made her a bitch we don't talk about that. Also my poor babies not only Cordelia but also Atlas who get compared to his abusive father, how nice, I hope you enjoyed this and have a good day.
Love Amy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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