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Hey there it's a new chapter yay, and this has no warnings yay also it the first birthday of the book

"Everybody dies, surprise
We tell each other lies
Sometimes, we try to make
It feel like we might be right
We might not be alone
Be alone"
Everybody dies-Billie Eilish

Atlas sat in class with circles under his eyes and almost falling asleep in DADA, he never does that but for Today it was special most for Cordelia because when the clock hit 00:00 Cordelia lively ran into Atlas room and started screaming why? Well because it was her birthday. She had made sure her hair sat perfect with some pins she got from her parents at her last year's birthday, she had made Atlas by force do her hair which he was surprisingly really good at.
Class was finished and Atlas was not sure he had learned anything by that time, a part of him wished he had strangled the lively girl before she made it to his room at 00:00, so much for a good nights sleep.
As Atlas walked out into the hall only to see Cordelia running up to him, he tried to run away but for an 11 year old girl she was damn fast.
"Atlas what are you giving me for my birthday" the girl swings an arm around the boy preventing him from leaving.
"Cordelia I don't think your meant to know that for your birthday" atlas gives in to the girls strong grip and laughs at her stupid question.
"Well yeah but I'm me, so can't you just tell me" the girl had made puppy eyes at the Carval boy even through she knew that would never work.
"No." Atlas finally got out of the girls grip and started walking towards the great hall when Sirius and Remus bumped into them.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry" Remus was of course the first one to apologize for this even if it wasn't his fault.
"Oh no don't worry" atlas quickly assured Remus this wasn't his fault, Sirius just stood there laughing
"What's so funny" Cordelia snapped at the tall black haired boy. Sirius immediately stopped laughing when he heard the serious tone Cordelia had implied
"Sorry birthday girl but it not are fault your little friend walked into us" Sirius had crossed armed as Remus only gave an apologetic smile to Cordelia and Atlas who didn't even want to be there.
"You walked into us first" her voice was snappy and hesitant knowing that the black boy knew her birthday even through they only talked a few times before. The black boy only rolled his eyes and left with the young lupin, leaving Cordelia to her own victory of winning the conversation.
"I feel as this is my lucky day" she clapped her hands together and walked further with the young boy on her heels. Atlas was only half awake when all of this happened, so he really payed no mind to it.
"Wait slow down, Conney" Atlas was running after the girl who was walking fast away, Cordelia turned around with a large smile planted on her face.
"Atlas why are you so slow today" Atlas gave her an annoyed glare, she knew perfectly well he was tired from being awake from 00:00 because it was her birthday, Cordelia only smiled at him and walked away again. Atlas hurried after the girl almost out of breath, oh how much he wished that it wasn't her birthday so he could strangle her.


Why was Atlas in a circle with a lot of others girls who some he never ever talked to and of course some he already met before like Marlene, Lauren(his sister) lily Evans, there was also a boy who he hasn't seen in Gryffindor and wondered if He was from another house. When it came to gift for Cordelia who was sitting in the middle with a tiara on her head, her friends would give it to her when the bottle would land on them and yes is was a birthday version of spin the bottle.
Lily had given the girl a flower pendant which Cordelia was very happy to wear. The boy which name atlas got to know sooner it was Evan Rosier, he looked nice, he had given The lively girl some jewelry which she put somewhere safe.
It was finally Atlas turn to give Cordelia her gift, he had bought her an ruby ring when he was on holiday, for her it had the Gryffindor colors and the words Bravery carved into the inside of the ring, Cordelia had I little tear in her eyes and made sure to give her friend a hug that almost crushed his bones. The others laughed at his reaction.
The group of people seemed the rest of the night eating candy and other unhealthy stuff, that Cordelia had gotten as gift from Lily.
Atlas had gone back to his own room with a happy heart until he saw another letter on his desk, who was that from, it was from his father.
Atlas felt his heart drop at the sight that he holds his breath until he opens it up.

Atlas Carval I'm here to inform you that your aunt Penelope has died of mysterious causes and has left the last remaining family members her fortune that has been giving to everyone, and I'm here to inform you that Helena her daughter will be joining you and your siblings next year,
From father

Atlas thought this was weird why tell him that his cousin would join Hogwarts a year earlier and what causes did his aunt Penelope die from, there was a lot of questions that started to fill his brain, he was confused and happy that the letter hadn't said anything bad or anything about him, more that his aunt died which still his father would never have written that to him it would be more likely his mother.
The massive amount of questions that lingered in his mind had kept Atlas from falling asleep and he spends his night reading or trying to close his eyes yet nothing worked for the young boy. It wasn't until he saw the morning sun he realized how bad the curse of not knowing was.

Hello it's Amy here, and a new chapter this chapter we celebrate the first birthday Cordelia making her older then Atlas, also a dead family member and a new cousin joining in act 2 how interesting right, also love Atlas for being rich and giving his best friends expensive gifts

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