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Hi everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter and there are no warning yay,

"Cause I'm a young man
After all
And when the seasons change
Will you stand by me
'cause I'm a young man built to fall"
Mind over matter-young the giant

Atlas felt a sense of Deja vu by sitting on the train compartment with his siblings who surely felt the same way as he did at the moment no doubt. Neil was reading like he did when they first got to Hogwarts and Lauren was drawing to calm down her nerves that Atlas knew. He himself was sitting and not doing anything but thinking not even reading as he usually does on the train ride.
The siblings all shared the same dread as before that they had to go home for the Christmas holidays Cordelia had stayed at Hogwarts for her parents had to travel and for some odd reason Cordelia hated traveling so she got permission to stay, at that Atlas felt jealousy but tried to feel happy for his friend at the same time. It was a funny feeling that the siblings had not spoken a word to each other, they only got on to the compartment as soon as they stepped into the train and nothing more then a comfortable silence which was rare for them to have.
Atlas could see his little sister Lauren was starting to get bored by the silence if had always been like that if someone broke the silence it would always be Lauren. The girl finally put her pen down and looked sharply at her brothers for some kind of reaction but there was none to be seen.
"God, can you two be more boring?" Lauren voice was centered to herself, it made the boys give her the full attention and break out of their one little worlds.
"What do you mean" Neil looked at Lauren in a confused manner not really understanding what the girl was on about and why she talked to rude to them.
"You all just sit there not saying a word like you don't know each other" Lauren was clearly frustrated by the silence that was kept in the compartment for so long until she broke it.
"Watch your tone Lauren" Neil went back to his book leaving Atlas and Lauren in shock by how much he said that sentence sounding like their father. Deep down Neil knew it to but decided not to react to it in anyway and just kept a cold facade that made an uncomfortable silence in the rest of the  train ride which had brought Atlas's mood down by a lot.
God how atlas just wished he was at Hogwarts.


This time their mother was not here like she was last time instead it was Loorey who was the house elf for the Carval family, the way home was even more silent then the train ride leaving all the siblings uncomfortable.
They all witnessed the dark and gloomy mansion become more quiet, it was like it was holding its breath like the rest of the kids.
As they walked in they saw their mother dressed in her formal attire and their father weeding his work clothes he must not have gotten home from work and had not the chance to change.
His father had a cold glare which none of the siblings had owned except For Atlas for mostly looked more like his father in which Neil had gotten his face from their mother and Lauren from their Aunt who was now dead.
"Your late" his fathers words were cold like his glare it sent shivers down Atlas's spine
"I guess that's not your fault this time but I will not excuse being late another time do you understand" the children all nodded knowing that they could do nothing but agree to what their father says or said.
"We have to attend Penelope's funeral this week, I expect you all on your best behavior"it was a soft threat that had spoken to the kids, they again nodded as they could see their father was pleased by their reaction and had not yet to defy him.
"Your mother will take you out to get more formal clothes" that was the last thing Charles Carval said to his children before leaving them alone with their mother who made sure to hug them all tightly after The Older man was out of sight.
She gave them all kisses on the cheeks and comforting words to lighten up the mood in the room.
"Is it true that Aunt Penelope died" Their mother nodded at Lauren who was the one asking the question, she immediately looked more sad. Lauren had always been close to their aunt more than the boys ever was they both were more close to their mom.
"I know dear"Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her daughter to comfort her? The boys just stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to do in this situation.
The boys went into their rooms to leave the females alone as they felt they were useless in this situation.
The boys for some time spend reading in different room until atlas got bored and went into his brother room to have a civil conversation.
"Hi" the younger boy said quietly as he stepped into His brother's room, Neil immediately turned his attention over to Atlas who was standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face.
"Hi" Neil replied with the same words but also soft that was something all the Carval has was when needed they had a soft and comforting voice.
" can I sit" Neil nodded to his brother as Atlas sat himself down on the bed and mode himself comfortable enough to not get a back pain from sitting.
"He went easy today" Neil was trying to start a conversation but it seemed the only thing those boys could talk about was sad things.
"Yeah its a little weird" The boys had made the agreement on that this day had been weird for both of them and most likely also Lauren who now was spending time with their mother alone as the boys spends their time together.
"You know you can't tell father about Cordelia" The mood had shifted to sadness from before
"I know" it was true, Atlas saw fully aware that he could never be seen with a muggle born friend like Cordelia in his life, if he wants to live.

A new chapter yay I'm boy going to say anything bye

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